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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

On 9/2/2014 Hildegarde Withers said:

The Vickster & Lizzie looked awful in those dresses with everything hanging out.

They looked like they were exploding out of those dresses. I guess they don't believe in going up a size no matter how it looks. I think Vicki and Lizzie are the worst dressers on the show. Lizzie just might get worst dressed. She is always wearing ill fitting clothes.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

I think Lizzie is exotic and beautiful, but, her dress was awful! Tamra, I really don't like her - she is so stupid and has the mentality of a tween. Love Shannon, she is a good girl, Vicky,eh, take her or leave her, Heather is pretentious pain in the a ss - but, I do like her. ( I think she has a good heart).
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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

On 9/2/2014 Caravaggio said: Good morning winamac I agree with you 100% couldn't of said it better.

Smile Hi Car.

Tamra is so miserable, and she became very defensive when Vicki called her out on her bitterness. I don't think that her marriage with Eddie is as strong as she wants viewers and the other Housewives to think or she'd not have been so aggressive when Vicki questioned her happiness.

I thought Tamra so so hurtful to Lizzie in telling the viewers that Lizzie has spoken about leaving her husband. I'm sure it was just in "jest", and it was probably when Lizzie was upset with him about something. Tamra is vengeful and cuts low and deep. She needs to realize she is a mess and mean and vindictive and change her behavior or she'll be kicked off the show. Bravo only takes so much drama, and then they are gone--i.e. Danielle, Jill Zaren, Kelly, etc.

Lizzie is sweet, and I think she means well. I think she has a good heart as I think Heather does too. But, Lizzie does dress terribly. She is poured into her clothing, and they are ill fitting and look too short and tight on her.

Heather is by far the classiest. She doesn't even use that many "big words". Punitive, pugilistic, etc. are not super "big" words. Vicki and Tamra act as if her words are so over the top for them. I don't find them to be difficult to comprehend at all. Anyone who is semi intelligent should know the meaning of the words she uses. It shows me how vapid Tamra and Vicki are if they find that Heather's words are too "big" for them.

I still don't like Shannon, and I feel as if she has mental issues.

I don't care for Terry. I think he is pompous. I'd not let him touch me (surgery wise) with a ten foot pole. I saw some reviews online somewhere for him, and they were not favorable (as far as his skills). He is super arrogant, and he acted like an idiot not accepting David's apology. I don't even think David's comments were so out there. Were they inappropriate...yes. But, I'd not have made such a big deal about it. Terry was over the top with his criticism. David's apologies seemed very sincere, and he apologized repeatedly. Terry was a complete jerk in refusing the apologies.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

Something is very odd about Eddie Judge aka Torres. He was adopted when he was 21 by James Judge?

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

This reunion was a waste of time but they usually are. I'm glad this isn't a 3 parter. It didn't even need to be 2 parts.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

Next week they will probably have the ""unseen footage"" that was too boring and lame the first time around.
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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

On 9/4/2014 VanSleepy said: Next week they will probably have the ""unseen footage"" that was too boring and lame the first time around.

Yes Monday there is some kind of lost footage show or something along those lines.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

The reunion was lacking. Glad there wasn't a 3rd part. The ""unseen footage"" will probably be boring and pointless. But I'll still watch just to see.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

I don't think Tamara will be back. Too many reports of her getting fired.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county.....REUNION, Part 2...9/1/14....with "news", spoilers, gossiphel

OC, supposedly Bravo is looking for a 'voice of reason', but the loss of Tamrat means somebody else will be painted the villain.