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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/13/2014 beammeupscottie said:
On 1/13/2014 Jules5280 said:

Watching now but missed the first 30mins. All these clothes are to be auctioned off for charity right? Not donated??? I don't blame Ken for wanting to run for the hills with that combo of women, I sense trouble brewing.

I thought they were donating them to kids to wear to their proms? Might be wrong.

Oh, I missed that part, thank you Scottie. Well that makes sense then. I was wondering if they were donating them, who they were going to. Not exactly "business" attire lol. Some of those would make gorgeous prom dresses. Brandi continues to nauseate me. She starts her apology with a bunch of disclaimers, then doesn't want to listen to Joyce, then ends up saying "if" she were a bully she would tear her eyes out. The woman needs some anger management.

Side note, watching the Vandersluts, I mean pumps... those crazy kids. I think Stassi is quite possibly the meanest girl on the planet. I cannot believe what she gets away with. She isn't happy unless she is bringing others down and making them feel like garbage. It's her birthday, national holiday NOWHERE and she won't be satisfied until she has a human sacrifice.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/13/2014 beammeupscottie said:
On 1/13/2014 Lion said:

I thought Kim was out-of-line with her berating Lisa about not attending the graduation party. When Ken said they did RSVP with regrets and did send a nice gift, her attack looked even worse.

I'm sure she's pushing the drama to stay on the show, and I'm sure the producers had a hand in getting her to attack Lisa.

Ken was right. Kim has a past riddled with not showing up, being very late, and making things unpleasant. She has no place to point fingers.

Her excuse that her past behavior wasn't her fault because of her drinking problem was surprising. Isn't she supposed to be taking responsibility for her past actions and not making excuses, per AA?

Well said.


I think Ken is great, too. Kim is lucky he's a nice guy because he really could've said a lot more to her than he did.

"The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."
- Augustine

Be Vigilent
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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

Kim should have kept her mouth shut but I don't know if she'll ever be normal. I really like Ken.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/13/2014 Hildegarde Withers said:

That whole waxing scene was disgusting. What is it with this show & waxing? The 2 sisters together on the table & Kim gets up to look at gross & weird. Later, they even got Kim's daughter involved in the discussion.

And don't forget Tamra waxing in front of her male friend.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/13/2014 beammeupscottie said:
On 1/13/2014 sunshine45 said:
On 1/13/2014 beammeupscottie said:

Okay, I'm watching it now after all.

So, in the introduction (don't know what you call it)

They show carlton and that thing that goes over her face with the ball that goes in your mouth I guess? What the heck is that thing?

i think it is some type of bondage contraption. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}......a type of gag for the person in submission.


Oh snap. Like you don't have one in every color, scottie! Nice try.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/13/2014 Hildegarde Withers said:
On 1/13/2014 sunshine45 said:

kims ex husband is good looking!

Did they show him without his sunglasses?

LOL, no, but he looked good with them on!

i have to try and find a picture.....

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

looks like with all of the problems kim has had she certainly did well raising her kids.

Kimberly Jackson

Kimberly Jackson said her parents, John Jackson and Kim Richards, and step-mom Sheri Jackson, are her biggest inspiration.

“They were always so supportive and really taught me the value of hard work and perseverance,” Jackson said. “Their support was insane.”

Kimberly received the Distinguished Christian Student award, Laureate award and Award of Excellence Lancer Award for Christian Leadership.

She belongs to California Scholarship Foundation and National Honor Society and was president of the Associated Student Body during her senior year. The honor student obtained a 4.4 GPA and said her favorite class this year was Foundations of Christian Thought, taught by Jack Gibson.

Kimberly was captain of the Grace Brethren cheer team and was named Most Valuable Player this year.

The 17-year-old plans to attend UC San Diego and major in communications.

In 10 years, Kimberly would like to have a family and a rewarding career.

“I just want to find something that makes me happy,” she said. “I don’t want to find myself in a job I don’t like. I want to enjoy what I do.”

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/13/2014 sunshine45 said:

highlights so far..... kim and kyle go for waxing you know where.....and they try to get kyle to wax her nose???? that is a new one to me!

brandi and carlton are pole dancing with a few other ladies.....and carlton has her hands on someone else.....will brandi get jealous? LOL. i am almost wondering now if carlton and her husband are swingers?

I missed the first 20-25 minutes so I guess this is what I missed, in other words...nothing.{}

I don't believe for a second that Brandi was sick, they just didn't want to stay at Kim's.

Speaking of Kim, why is she still on this show??? She adds nothing!

Also, speaking of Brandi being jealous, her comment about Kyle and Lisa getting along sure sounded like she was jealous.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

Yes, Kim was very rude to bring up Lisa & Ken not attending her daughter's graduation party since they did RSVP. So much of what they do on this show is just "for show" and to keep viewers watching. We don't really know how much of this drama is "made up" just for the show. I would guess that 90% of it is made up.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/14/2014 snpets said:
On 1/13/2014 sunshine45 said:

highlights so far..... kim and kyle go for waxing you know where.....and they try to get kyle to wax her nose???? that is a new one to me!

brandi and carlton are pole dancing with a few other ladies.....and carlton has her hands on someone else.....will brandi get jealous? LOL. i am almost wondering now if carlton and her husband are swingers?

I missed the first 20-25 minutes so I guess this is what I missed, in other words...nothing.{}

I don't believe for a second that Brandi was sick, they just didn't want to stay at Kim's.

Speaking of Kim, why is she still on this show??? She adds nothing!

Also, speaking of Brandi being jealous, her comment about Kyle and Lisa getting along sure sounded like she was jealous.

LOL ITA-Brandi didn't like the fact that Kyle and Lisa were getting along. I do not think she was sick at all. She didn't want to be there. That woman is such a low-class drama queen.

I also do think Kim was a bit rude for bringing up the fact Lisa and Ken didn't attend the grad party, but Ken acted like a child. That man acts like a petty and catty woman.

I think Brandi IS incredibly rude to Joyce. Brandi doesn't like her, Carlton doesn't like her, and there's nothing Joyce can do to make them like her. They are both jealous of her. Yes, Joyce is annoying at times especially when she flings her hair non stop, but she seems like an overall kind woman.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"