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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

I doubt anyone who watches Jeopardy disparages those who are gifted or is "for the underdog".  None of those chosen would qualify as underdogs. 


Why is it that expressing a dislike results in an attack on the person sharing their dislike?

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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson



I hope you don't think I was attacking you with my comment.  I was just ribbing you because you had mentioned liking dogs. I actually feel the same way about them since I rarely meet one I don't instantly like. I was hoping you'd find it funny.


Also, I was hoping we had enough of a rapport that we could share a laugh together. I hope I'm right about that, and I don't really feel like your comment was meant for me. If I'm wrong, I apologize. 




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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

[ Edited ]

@mstyrion 1 wrote:

@straykatz wrote:

We used to be a society that cheered for the gifted....when did it all change that we no longer root for those folks hoping they lose to the underdogs?


I have a cousin who has a photographic memory and super intelliengent.... but socially inept....his brilliance often was perceived as smugness...he was the least smug person I ever knew.  



Good comment!  

It is strange that some peopletend to want to see a man who is demonstrating excellence fail.

I like to watch Jeopardy to pit myself against the winner. I happen to have a brain full of trivia too and I admire those who can find the answers under that much pressure.


I say, "keep going, Matt!" 

Unfortunately this is often the case- for example,  autistic individuals who are 'mensa'  brillilant but lacking social skills. 

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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

I just watched a recording from the day before and while he is not the most demonstrative person he seems perfectly fine and incredibly smart to me . . . I think he is going to have a very successful run on Jeopardy!

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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

he has set up a facebook page that you can follow. he makes comments and clarifications on his decisions and strategies. i did not see the show tonight so i am not sure if he won thursdays game or not.




here is a time magazine article about him. i didnt realize he is only 23!

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

I don't get the problem some have with this guy.
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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

I don't have a problem with the guy.  I just don't enjoy watching the same person day after day after day creaming the other two.  

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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

I watch every night and I do not have any problem with Matt Jackson, although he is a little dead pan.  I just wonder how someone can store that much knowledge in his brain.  Last night he won 40,000.  Wow. 

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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

[ Edited ]
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Re: "Jeopardy" Contestant Matt Jackson

I think he is amazing.   Maybe he is just a very introverted, extremely shy person.  I hope he continues to do well.  I remember when Ken Jennings was on and I loved watching him win.