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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

I don't care for them. I don't even go to sites like that out of curiosity.

I volunteer & donate to local charities.
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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

I am so onboard with the OP and many of you about Go Fund Me. I am not a fan. I guess I am old school, but I was taught to work for what you need, work harder for what you want. I know a 20 something who is using this platform to go on a spiritual conference for a week. Apparently this will cover the trip and loss of income while she is away from her job. Give me a break. Instead of asking for donations, I suggested she increase her work hours since the trip was 2 or 3 months away. She just chuckled. Woman Surprised

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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

If I needed serious help that would save a loved one, yes, I'd do it. 



Although, I have seen ones asking for money for vacations. That's called get a job.

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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

I don't have a problem with the concept of "Go Fund Me". It's just another use of technology to accomplish a goal. Tragically, a young woman in my neighborhood was murdered in her driveway last week and her friends started a page to help her family with funeral expenses. I happily made a contribution. It was something truly needed.
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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

I would normally say, I don't trust the website. But, then, I saw the story of the man who donated his kidney to a complete stranger. I imagine his insurance did not pay for his surgery and he said he would be unpaid while recuperating. He was married with children and I think his wife was pregnant. So I donated...but, like with any other charity, I would do research before donation.
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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

I completely agree that these websites are ridiculous. Save your money for legitimate causes.

Yesterday there was an article about a poor little tyke (16 months old) who has been hospitalized since April battling a rare form of liver cancer. They were asking folks to go a Facebook site devoted to him and sing him a song. He loves music. His parents are with him constantly, not working, of course. At the end of the article, there was a blurb showing how people could donate to the family, adding"Any funds raised in addition to what the Dunn family must use to cover medical expenses will be donated to causes that support other families dealing with pediatric cancer." I really like that. The article about him says "Luke doesn't know that he's sick. As a 16-month old...all Luke wants is to play and be happy." Pictures of this tyke broke my heart. Crying now. Where is my checkbook? Going to call the hospital to see if there's any toy he might like, as well. Sorry for this depressing post. Please pray for Luke.

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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

It's just a fancy way of "begging". No more, no less.

Standing on the corner w/ a sign is so....yesterday. Online begging definitely escorts us in to the 21st Century.
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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

i love crowd funding sites like kickstarter where people with creative ideas ask for funding. 

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Hillel
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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

[ Edited ]

I don't have a problem with Go Fund Me, for good, legitimate reasons.


Several months ago, a Fed Ex employee (I think part time, contractor maybe... no Fed Ex benefits if I remember correctly) in Atlanta was shot on the job.  He worked at one of the distribution centers in Atlanta.  He's already had countless surgeries, 20 maybe and faces at least one more.  My husband and I have been following his story.  A Go Fund Me was set up for him and details were given on the local news.  My husband and donated to it happily.  It's really no different than when someone in need would set up a fund at a local bank and you'd go there to donate.


Seems to me that I've donated to one other- local story, for medical expenses.


My best friend's daughter set one up for a honeymoon fund (in lieu of traditional gifts).  I wasn't enthused about that one, but donated to it.


I've also given to Kickstarter before, earlier this year, because I believed in the project- for someone I've never even met before, but follow them on Facebook.  I've been thrilled watching the result of what my donation (as well as tons of other people's) have made.  It's like watching a seed that you helped plant grow.


So, I think the Go Fund Me's, Kickstarter's, etc. have a place, but not for every little thing.

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Re: "Go fund me website" How do you feel about asking for money?

Like so many things, such sites can be and are misused, but so is panhandling on the street. Many of those people with signs at freeway offramps have a car and a mortgage and nice clothes.

I have had friends who asked for money to help fund multi-thousand dollar surgeries and treatment for their pet. I would give to someone if I knew them in person and believed in what they were doing. Random "who are these people and why should I believe them?" not so much. If something has been in the press, there are usually more direct ways to donate that are better vetted.
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