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wookie- agree. People would be breathing fire.

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Posts: 977
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 11/7/2014 MomTo2Dogs said:

I don't know if any of you travel across the border but since I'm in San Diego we used to do that once in a while. I can say from my own experience that we were harassed a few times by Federales for no reason. They wanted money and you really have no choice except to give it to them. You give them ten or twenty bucks, they laugh and walk off.

Then things started to get really sketchy and we stopped going.

IMO there was wrong doing on both sides. The Marine shouldn't have been anywhere near the border with firearms but I guarantee you that on the Mexican side things were not 100% kosher either.

Oh, I agree with you about the Mexican side.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 11/7/2014 MomTo2Dogs said:

I don't know if any of you travel across the border but since I'm in San Diego we used to do that once in a while. I can say from my own experience that we were harassed a few times by Federales for no reason. They wanted money and you really have no choice except to give it to them. You give them ten or twenty bucks, they laugh and walk off.

Then things started to get really sketchy and we stopped going.

IMO there was wrong doing on both sides. The Marine shouldn't have been anywhere near the border with firearms but I guarantee you that on the Mexican side things were not 100% kosher either.

I am never going into Mexico again we have had several friends drive into Mexico...get pulled over and given a choice...give up the vehicle...or something bad was going to happen.


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Registered: ‎03-11-2010
On 11/7/2014 wookie said: But doesn't anyone think if the situation were reversed, and we did sympathize and release him because of pressure from his country, our government would have been widely criticized by many Americans?

We have released dangerous illegal aliens. The were sent back to Mexico. They have returned. Been sent back. Returned. And committed more crimes. Some of them up to and including murder.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,045
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 11/7/2014 Qwackertoo said:
On 11/7/2014 wookie said: But doesn't anyone think if the situation were reversed, and we did sympathize and release him because of pressure from his country, our government would have been widely criticized by many Americans?

We have released dangerous illegal aliens. The were sent back to Mexico. They have returned. Been sent back. Returned. And committed more crimes. Some of them up to and including murder.



**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
Valued Contributor
Posts: 977
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 11/7/2014 Qwackertoo said:
On 11/7/2014 wookie said: But doesn't anyone think if the situation were reversed, and we did sympathize and release him because of pressure from his country, our government would have been widely criticized by many Americans?

We have released dangerous illegal aliens. The were sent back to Mexico. They have returned. Been sent back. Returned. And committed more crimes. Some of them up to and including murder.

but they were sent back when they were caught, regardless of how many times they re-entered illegally. And just for the record, I want our borders protected. I support deportation of people who enter our country illegally. But, contrary to what people are led to believe, and regardless of who is in power, it will continue to happen because of the cheap labor.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

The highway into Mexico is well marked. It has to be for people who want to park on the US side and walk across the border. There is a big sign that says "Last US Exit". Once you pass a certain point then yes, you cannot turn around because there are concrete dividers that lead you to immigration booths. But by that point you know you're going into Mexico.

Maybe he wasn't paying attention but I find it very hard to believe that he didn't know he was crossing the border. Tens of thousands of tourists go into TJ weekly. You don't hear many if any, "Oops how did I get into Mexico" 911 calls.

_____ ,,,^ ._. ^,,,_____
Super Contributor
Posts: 2,234
Registered: ‎03-11-2010
On 11/7/2014 wookie said:
On 11/7/2014 Qwackertoo said:
On 11/7/2014 wookie said: But doesn't anyone think if the situation were reversed, and we did sympathize and release him because of pressure from his country, our government would have been widely criticized by many Americans?

We have released dangerous illegal aliens. The were sent back to Mexico. They have returned. Been sent back. Returned. And committed more crimes. Some of them up to and including murder.

but they were sent back when they were caught, regardless of how many times they re-entered illegally. And just for the record, I want our borders protected. I support deportation of people who enter our country illegally. But, contrary to what people are led to believe, and regardless of who is in power, it will continue to happen because of the cheap labor.

I support e-verify. 100%. Those who violate it should be fined and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. IF the law & penalties are not strong enough, strengthen them. Get to the SOURCE of the problem. Catch under-the-table . . . and prosecute them. 100%.