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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

None.  It's been outlawed in the city I live in for over 20 yrs.


Instead the schools have parties for the little ones.  Sometimes a Holloween parade which is televised on the local education channel.



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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

On a "slow" Halloween we get over 200 kids. I plan for 300 and so far I have not run out of treats. (this is my 5th year in this house) They (little ones) start around 5pm and I turn out the lights at 9. By then all that is left are really big kids that (in my opinion) are too old to be out trick or treating.


We get car loads of kids that come from other neighborhoods. My street and the next 2 streets in my neighborhood really go all out for Halloween. Lights/music/lots of spooky decorations. Everyone hangs out on their front porches to hand out the "loot". Most of the kids have great costumes and some of the parents dress up too. The borough police park on the street corners to direct the walking traffic and they give out glow bracelets and necklaces to the kids.


I am looking forward to this year and hoping for great weather.



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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?


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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

We used to get over 1000 kids, as we went all out decorating the outside of the house.  People would drive to our subdivision to see it during the week before Halloween. We stopped 2 years ago, because in addition to the cute little kids, we were getting trick or treating adults that were rude, demanding and actually were beginning to scare us. Now we just decorate the inside of our house and have a fun family celebration. I have never understood why adults trick or treat, clearly it is meant for children.

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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

When we lived in the city, we had a lot of trick or treaters.  When we moved, we found that many in our area believe that Halloween is an evil time, so we rarely have any kids stop by.  I always gave out juice boxes instead of candy, but it has been a few years since I have even bothered. 



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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

none for the past 5 or 6 years now.

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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

Not compared to what some get and we go in spurts.  Some years I'm out of 4 bags of candy in 30 minutes and some years I have 3 bags left when trick or treating is over.


Last year I was out of town but my neighbor said there were hardly any kids.

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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

I know last year it was on a weekend and we thought we would be going non-stop, I don't think we even had 15 kids and were stuck with pounds of stuff we don't eat.


This year, scroogy as it may sound, there will be no Halloween at our house.

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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

I live too rural for trick or treaters.   

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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

We live in a rural subdivision--no streetlights, houses spaced far apart down long driveways--so we never got trick or treaters. But, for the 3rd year in a row, we will be doing trunk-or-treat at our church's fall festival. There are also tons of games & activities for the kiddies, a hayride, food---all free and open to everyone. We enjoy decorating the back of our SUV and participating. Last year we had about 400 kids come through!