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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

Depends.... as the babies get a bit older, the number of T & T increase. At the same time, the ones we've seen for years are now turning 13 and they'll be dropping out.  We also have noticed children that we've never seen before and know that buses come to our area because it's safe. No issue with that at all but if they don't come... then I have a LOT of candy to pass on to some lucky children at the very end of the night, lol!



I buy enough to make sure there is plenty is my point, lol.

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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

Used to live very rural and got no one cuz houses were so far apart and no streetlights.  Now in an apartment while my house is being built - so I don't know.   Most of us are here on short term leases while homes are being built so not so sure anyone even knows what to expect year to year.  I'm thinking my light will be off.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

[ Edited ]

We live in a gated community and everyone is retired so no trick or treaters. I miss them - we had zillions in our neighborhood in Pa. We would have our camper parked in the driveway for the winter so my DH would put spooky music on the stero and play it loud and I would make the dog a costume, and we'd sit out in the driveway. Our next door neighbors had a chiminea and they would bring it over and we'd have a fire to keep us warm. In our community trick or treat only lasted 2 hours ( 6 to 8) then the fire dept had a party at the firehouse for the kids.

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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

Zero....but I keep the front light off and don't answer the door.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

Zero.  We live in the woods, no neices or nephews close by.  Gee, I guess I'll have to eat that Halloween candy I bought "just in case."

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Posts: 135
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: do you get many trick or treaters?

We used to get many trick or treaters in the early years. Today not so many, our neighborhood is mostly seniors. DH still gives out candy and keeps count. I think it was 29 last year. Sad for us, we used to take pictures of those who were in costumes.

"God created memories so that we might have roses in December." - Italo Svevo