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Re: customer service and returns


  I found I am able to edit my post that rattles on and on without paragraphs. I edited it and put in paragraphs although I must admit I'm not sure about when to start a new paragraph. I know you're supposed to start a new paragraph when you change the subject, that's as far as my limited education goes.

  Anyone reading the post about customer service and returns I'd gladly like your opinion on my paragraphs on edited version so I can learn to write better using proper grammar and format.

  Thanks to all of the great QVC forum ladies and all your feedback!

  I'm new to forum and want to learn how to use it appropriately! I enjoy constructive criticism but don't have elephant skin so please be kind when responding.

  Thanks,  Jude

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: customer service and returns

I apoligize for the way you were treated. Some posters I don't respond to and steer away from. Unfortunately, the same ones are everywhere. Hard to enjoy the boards when your always looking over your shoulder.


My problem with returns is they say they can take 2 weeks !

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Registered: ‎06-23-2014

Re: customer service and returns

I have never had an issues with returns, here or anywhere else. I open the bag at the top, try on the clothes, and if they don't work, fold up neatly and place back in the bag. If I'm not sure, I do the same thing and try it on again later and decide. If I'm concerned an item might not hold up well, I keep the packaging and immediately wash it.  When I try shoes, I walk around the house and if they don't work I put all of the tissue back just as it came and return it. Same with purses. I don't take the tissue off of the zippers, etc., until I've looked at it and decided I'm going to keep it.  I've really not had an issues with things breaking or tearing up later. I take good care when I launder and basically take good care of all my things. I do understand that things can break. Not trying to sound snobbish, but I know what the OP is saying. I think some people want to wear or use things for awhile and then return them, then complain when they have issues with returns. And I'm on an iPad and can't do paragraphs 😄

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: customer service and returns

I don't get it either.  If a person throws out the packaging, it's not the end. You have to box it up yourself and you print off the receipt info. If they can manage to complain in a review, then they can manage to do the above. If they don't know that, there is pleanty of information to assist.

Customer service is usually pretty good. I have never had an unsatisfactory or rude interaction with them.

Speaking of returns.

But how long are we going to listen to people gripe and whine about shipping charges? It's a done deal. Has it been three months?  If you really want something you buy it. Obviously, the Q has instituted new shipping charges.  It puts the kibbosh on a lot of binge/impulse buying. That isn't a bad thing. It will give others a change to purchase a fresh item. But it is what is. Ridculous to keep harping on it.

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Posts: 214
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: customer service and returns

I really need to keep up with the Q.  I haven't placed an order in ions and when I did I lucked out and found quite a few nice tops.  Yesterday the last of my order arrived and I didn't particularly love two of them.  So I called CS and told them I was returning two.  I asked what the cost to me would be and was told $6.95 for using the label and I wouldn't get back the original S&H.  Like really.  I'd give them to a friend before giving the Q $12.95.   Sales have had to gone up or down for the Q which ever way you look at it.  Lucky me the other items were to my fit and liking.  Naturally this new return policy might stop me from placing future orders for any item.