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I bought a new couch and love seat and after it was delivered immediately didn't like it and thought it looked great in the showroom but not in my home.  Got a very good price but it doesn't matter if you think it doesn't fit with everything else.  I bought two Sherpa throws for them and it is an improvement.  

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Bought too many bears. Now they are just dust collectors. My friend and I shopped together and it was fun. Sold some on e bay and gave some away. Kept a few. Wish I had the money. Would I find something else to buy???

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@Mary Bailey I did the same thing.  I bought all these expensive dolls & now that I'm getting rid of things I'm going to just donate them to the Goodwill.  I checked their worth on ebay & they're not worth squat! I have some cookie jars too I've been slowly donating.  All that money!  I could have gone on a cruise.

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The list is very long but here are a few more.  My house -I really hate it. My college degree- why did I get a degree in Marketing & I can't sell anything, heck I can barely talk to people.  Jewelry, clothes. designer handbags- they're all sitting on a shelf. Furniture. Reading this list is making want to cry!

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@kitty45  It is rather painful the amount of money I spent and the lack of value.  They never even had any sentimental value to me.  Unless I can count regret.


I donated them to the school my sons were attending for their silent auctions.  One of the volunteers called me and said she was going to bid on at least one of them. I'm glad they were of interest to someone.


Now I have buyers remorse on workout equipment and DVDs. 

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@Smoky wrote:

An Electrolux vacuum from you know where.  I was about to toss it it was so bad but my neighbor said, "I'll take it."  Bless the vacuum's heart, hope it worked better for her than it did for me, I mean it kept falling apart.  No more electronics from  you know where for me. 

Was it Electrolux's first upright?  If it is, I bought that one too!!  Fortunately for me I tried it out right away and was so disappointed in it I packaged it right back up (no easy matter) and hauled it to the post office (also not easy!)... but I would have dragged it behind me roped to my leg to get it back to you know where.... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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I've never really had buyer's remorse....  but I've purchased jewelry that I've gotten tired of and sold on eBay.  When I was selling antiques I tended to "keep" some of my favorites and still have quite a lot that still make me very happy....  Woman Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Yep, me too on several occasions.  Like a car I didn't really need. When I got home, I thought what were you thinking and tried to cancel.  I kept it for two years then sold it.  


Then there was a top of the line sewing machine that I've used three times.  I still have it and am searching for a new home for it.


Or the compost tumbler, I just had to have to make compost, yeah sure.  That got old pretty quick.  It too is looking for a new home.


I quit my impulse buying and now think long and hard before I make purchases.  

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@Allegheny How could I have forgotten the sewing machine, I'm staring at it right this minute.  I bought it thinking I'll sew up a storm, I used it once to make one curtain.  What an expensive curtain.

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During a trip to Bangkok about 15 years ago, I bought a *loose* sapphire for about $2,500.


It was at a large jewelry store and it has paperwork.  (It states it's GIA certified, but wasn't in America....???)


I just picked it out because of color and size, and didn't know other important specifics.


Too afraid to get it appraised, much less having it set into a ring.