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be careful with the cancel button

I canceled 2 orders the other day. There was nothing to indicate that the cancellation didn't go through


They are being shipped to me anyway. It's not a big deal, because  nothing was that expensive


I just thought I'd give you a heads up ,so you can make sure if you cancel, it won't be shipped

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

There have been several complaints recently about this happening along with complaints that orders can't be cancelled even a few hours after they are placed.  There has been speculation by some that there is a new cancellation policy in effect.


I was on the QVC FB page and noticed a question by someone about a new cancellation policy and someone answered that QVC doesn't have any cancellation policy in writing. 

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

All of this has resulted in my not ordering much anymore, especially spur-of-the-moment things, or high pressure "it's selling out!!" prompts. 


I mistakenly ordered something yesterday and an hour later could not cancel it, so will have to embrace the shipping charge and return it.  Not good.  Not good customer service at all.


I would think they would prefer their merchandise to be pristine and not "returned" rather than not allowing us to cancel anymore.  It used to be in process for 4 days and I could cancel any time during that period.  


Definitely I will think long and hard about hitting "submit order" in the future.

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

When I have used the button before, if it didn't work, I would get a message saying, it was too late ,or something like that


I didn't get anything either time. I also didn't wait  very long before cancelling the order

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

I canceled and got confirmation it went through and the item wouldnt be shipped and I would not be billed, but then a day later I noticed the item was shipped, but then I got a letter saying even though I canceled due to qa QVC error the item was shipped and to send it back with the reason, "received wrong item" and I would get a full refund including shipping charges...........

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

 I would telephone the order operator and ask her/him to cancel orders.   (In the future.)   In fact, I phone in my orders.  Always have.  My Internet isn't very reliable in my area. Sometimes it's 'out' for the entire day.  Also,  I sometimes cannot access my emails, etc.  Ordering online or doing any business/banking online would be frustrating, to say the least. 

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

Oh yes had that happen to me several months ago. got a letter several weeks after delivery i could send the items back, i had already washed the items and was using them. I just went ahead and paid for them

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

You always get a notice if the cancellation went through and an email if your ordered online.  Sometimes you can't cancel beyond a certain time frame.  It an item is "in process", you can't cancel.  

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

It just didn't work these two times. I got the message saying are you sure you want to cancel, and I clicked yes, but no email or anything else.


It must be the volume or something. I'm glad it wasn't a big ticket item

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Re: be careful with the cancel button

This happened to me yesterday. I placed an order for the Halo TSV. Several hours later I read reviews and decided to cancel.


The system would not let me.