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Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 Qwackertoo said:

Thanks GoodStuff, OMGosh what in the World was I thinking? 529's, IRA's, long term planning? That is just CRAZY thinking. hahahahaha I know, it must be the evil thinking and influence of the greedy rich . . . oh how horrible. Independent. Successful. Thrifty. Those are just curse words. HOW Horrible.

Yep. And what's really sad is that nowadays the less responsible planning you do, and the deeper the doo-doo you get yourself into........the more government programs are available to prop you up and bail you out! Some of the motivation for all the government programs is truly merciful and well-intended, I am sure; more (I suspect) is a way of buying votes and political power. Whatever the intentions, what we're doing is rewarding irresponsible behavior. Which makes it more prevalent. And it's killing us.

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Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 GoodStuff said:
On 2/7/2015 Qwackertoo said:

Thanks GoodStuff, OMGosh what in the World was I thinking? 529's, IRA's, long term planning? That is just CRAZY thinking. hahahahaha I know, it must be the evil thinking and influence of the greedy rich . . . oh how horrible. Independent. Successful. Thrifty. Those are just curse words. HOW Horrible.

Yep. And what's really sad is that nowadays the less responsible planning you do, and the deeper the doo-doo you get yourself into........the more government programs are available to prop you up and bail you out! Some of the motivation for all the government programs is truly well-intended, I am sure; more (I suspect) is a way of buying votes and political power. Whatever the intentions, what we're doing is rewarding irresponsible behavior. Which makes it more prevalent. And it's killing us.

I prefer to teach my children that they should rely upon themselves and their own knowledge and power and NOT let anyone or anything stand in their way. Male OR Female. Power. To those who support and advocate for themselves. No letting a pansy flimsy support. Ones who can educate and validate their own selves. Whiny crybabies need not apply.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 3,874
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 Qwackertoo said:
On 2/7/2015 GoodStuff said:
On 2/7/2015 Qwackertoo said:

Thanks GoodStuff, OMGosh what in the World was I thinking? 529's, IRA's, long term planning? That is just CRAZY thinking. hahahahaha I know, it must be the evil thinking and influence of the greedy rich . . . oh how horrible. Independent. Successful. Thrifty. Those are just curse words. HOW Horrible.

Yep. And what's really sad is that nowadays the less responsible planning you do, and the deeper the doo-doo you get yourself into........the more government programs are available to prop you up and bail you out! Some of the motivation for all the government programs is truly well-intended, I am sure; more (I suspect) is a way of buying votes and political power. Whatever the intentions, what we're doing is rewarding irresponsible behavior. Which makes it more prevalent. And it's killing us.

I prefer to teach my children that they should rely upon themselves and their own knowledge and power and NOT let anyone or anything stand in their way. Male OR Female. Power. To those who support and advocate for themselves. No letting a pansy flimsy support. Ones who can educate and validate their own selves. Whiny crybabies need not apply.

Of course, people do make mistakes and get themselves caught in bad situations sometimes, and it's good to be compassionate and offer a helping hand. Trouble is, these situations need to be the exception, not the rule. And people who accept help need to demonstrate that they are working hard to change things and get their lives turned around as much as possible. If masses of people learn they can just sit down, ride the system, and never work or change or take responsibility, we're doomed. And we may be close.

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Re: alternative healthcare plan

Gee, I remember The Good Samaritan and looking out for each other.

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Posts: 501
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/8/2015 traveler said:

Gee, I remember The Good Samaritan and looking out for each other.

Unfortunately, traveler, there is a certain part of our population that no longer understands the concept of community or that we are stronger together than we are individually. You might like the book The Impulse Society. It gives an interesting explanation of how our country has become so inundates with the idea that each individual is the only person that really matters and how the idea that the good of the community should sometimes come before the good of the self has become almost non-existent.

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Registered: ‎09-13-2012

Re: alternative healthcare plan

The ACA was sold with lie after lie after lie. Now people have such huge deductibles under it that they can't afford to see the doctor.

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Posts: 501
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: alternative healthcare plan

I know many who are very happy with their ACA plans. The whole program is a copy of RomneyCare that was put into place in MA. The first few years were bumpy because it is a complicated thing to put into effect but it nows runs smoothly year after year.

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Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/8/2015 guatmum said:

I know many who are very happy with their ACA plans. The whole program is a copy of RomneyCare that was put into place in MA. The first few years were bumpy because it is a complicated thing to put into effect but it nows runs smoothly year after year.

It is not a copy of RomneyCare, although there are some similarities. The ACA has a gargantuan and costly bureaucracy, for one thing. They sold it to us with lie after lie after lie.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: alternative healthcare plan

traveler, if you're so worried about women being paid less why not talk to Valerie at the White House. It's a good place to start.
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Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/8/2015 esmeraldagooch said: traveler, if you're so worried about women being paid less why not talk to Valerie at the White House. It's a good place to start.

That story isn't true.