On 4/7/2015 pickleslarue said: I thought it was a pretty good scene between Sage and Chelsea...."you know he's playing you". I mean, really, I can't believe she hasn't gotten weirded out by Gabe. I sure have. I guess her deep enduring love for Adam has her wanting to hear what Gabe's pitching.
Did Dylan find a blue bandana?
And all of them, guilty of various crimes, talking to Paul? Especially Kevin of all people with a lawyer brother. Like Mike's scene in Better Call Saul their only word should've been "lawyer".
But hey, it's GCPD so it won't matter.
It was a good scene but I just want someone to smack Sage and then smack her again... Besides which, she and Nasty Nick just need to cease and desist rolling around in the storage closet...
And really, what purpose does Adam think is being remotely served to keep up this charade? Let's say Chelsea does come to love him as Gabe... at some point the truth has to come out. The whole thing just makes no sense at all...
Dylan found a tire iron and picked it up with a blue bandana,
Yea, the whole premise of how Austin's murder has been and is being handled is total fantasy land... And really, please, can we go back two months and change it all up? Please? Instead of Austin and Courtney, can we get rid of Summer and Kyle...? Thanks, I'd appreciate it... I guess we now get to see the unappealing Summer crying and scrunching her face up for another two weeks... and what they thought Kyle brought to the table is a mystery to me...
In my pantry with my cupcakes...