Occasional Contributor
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎12-31-2013

You know how when your dog...

sniffs all over the yard to find the exact right spot to poop when he's pooped there a hundred times before? Well come to find out there is a science to his madness.{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Early contender for line of the year in a genuine scientific study: "Dogs preferred to excrete with the body being aligned along the north-south axis under calm MF conditions." MF, in this case, referring to the Earth's magnetic field. That's right: When dogs poop, they position themselves according to the planet's magnetic field, say Czech and German researchers. They watched 70 dogs of nearly 40 breeds go through the motions for two years before publishing their results in Frontiers in Zoology, reports UPI.

Before grabbing the compass ahead of your next dog walk,Motherboard points out that the findings apply most consistently to dogs that are off the leash and in an open field. As for the related questions of why and how, the researchers admit they have no idea, or even whether the dogs do this intentionally. Only that they do. "Our analysis of the raw data ... indicates that dogs not only prefer N-S direction, but at the same time they also avoid E-W direction." (The find is a first for dogs, but other animalshave been shown to be in tune with the magnetic field.)

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Registered: ‎05-11-2012

Re: You know how when your dog...

Wow! Can you imagine being married to these researchers??? Lol!
Super Contributor
Posts: 891
Registered: ‎01-19-2013

Re: You know how when your dog...

Feng Shui principles dictate that one always place the toilet along the north/south axis to facilitate and encourage smooth sailing. Of course, the fiber lobby has managed to keep a lid on this vital information for years......

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: You know how when your dog...

cray cray...

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎12-31-2013

Re: You know how when your dog...

On 1/2/2014 EmmaBunting said:

Feng Shui principles dictate that one always place the toilet along the north/south axis to facilitate and encourage smooth sailing. Of course, the fiber lobby has managed to keep a lid on this vital information for years......


Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,371
Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: You know how when your dog...

I guess my dog doesn't get it. He will go out and pee then poos in my dining room behind the table. He's lucky I love him. It doesn't happen every day, but he's 11 and house broken. What the heck.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 26,549
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: You know how when your dog...

On 1/2/2014 EmmaBunting said:

Feng Shui principles dictate that one always place the toilet along the north/south axis to facilitate and encourage smooth sailing. Of course, the fiber lobby has managed to keep a lid on this vital information for years......

Just shared my diet coke with the computer on this one. Thanks Emma. {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}{}

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

Honored Contributor
Posts: 26,549
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: You know how when your dog...

On 1/2/2014 luvpoos said:

I guess my dog doesn't get it. He will go out and pee then poos in my dining room behind the table. He's lucky I love him. It doesn't happen every day, but he's 11 and house broken. What the heck.

Your dining room is in the wrong place. Please remodel your house. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎12-31-2013

Re: You know how when your dog...

You girls are fuuuuunnnny

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,752
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: You know how when your dog...

All I can say is

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines