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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

Yes, I plan to watch.   I will be interested to see if anything new is revealed.   Like everyone else, I still can't believe that pathetic JURY did not find that scumbag guilty.  

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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

Dumbest jury in history!


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

I thought about it, as I watched the whole thing unfold on tv years ago.  But then I decided there is nothing new, and why spend any more time on this - I hope something else is on.


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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

Think I'm going to watch only because I want to hear what her dad is going to say. But if it's more about Casey and her lies to try and convince us she's innocent I'll changed the channel. BTW my belief is she WILL pay one day we don't live on this earth forever Smiley Wink 

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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

@hyacinth003 wrote:

I believe it is 3 parts, starting this Sunday, on Investigation Discovery channel.  The commercial keeps showing her father saying that they got it wrong.


This could be a complete teaser, and not mean that he thinks the jury's "not guilty" verdict was wrong.  Might be out of context.


Since I watch ID channel the most anyway, I will probably see it.  I'm off most all other television, except animals and sports!


I believe in my heart and head that she killed her daughter, Caylee.  Nothing else makes any sense.  She was found decomposed in a swamp.  The only person who could have put her there is her so-called mother.


Kind of curious what angle this will take.



@hyacinth003  Yes, I believe it is a teaser because when he left the stand, he looked at her and made the motion of washing his hands of her, to which I applauded.

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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

@hyacinth003 wrote:

@Katcat1 wrote:

@hyacinth003,  If it interferes with After Camelot, NO.  Otherwise, I would watch it.  To this day, I cannot understand how that Casey got off.  Child missing for a month, all the lies about work and her daugher.  I hope she suffers everyday for what she did.  I blame a lot of it on poor investigation and gathering of evidence for Forensic testing.  That little girl did not deserve to die so young.  Cat Sad


I'm not sure about lack of evidence and forensic testing.  What did they miss?


I blame it on a STUPID jury.  Making statements that they couldn't find her


guilty because the medical examiner couldn't say HOW she died - it was ruled a homicide.  SOMEONE KILLED HER.


The poor baby was nothing but bones pretty much when she was found.  She did not drown herself in a swamp with duct tape over her face.  That means someone (only possibility was her "mother") put her there.  Bones only don't always reveal HOW someone was killed.  If she wasn't shot (bullet hole) or stabbed (knife mark in bone), you cannot tell how she was killed.  But SOMEONE for sure killed her.


Reasonable doubt doesn't mean you necessarily get ALL your questions answered.


She was in the custody of her mother.  She was found dead in a swamp.  Her mother either put her there (near her family home) or someone on behalf of her did.


Guilty beyond ANY doubt for me!





@hyacinth003  Remember Casey's Mother saying Casey's pants stank terribly, so she washed them, i.e., tampered with evidence, and we know what the stench was, gruesome.





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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

I've seen it hyped on the ID channel and decided, nah, I'll pass.


I kind of wonder if there is even anything left that everybody doesn't know already, but I don't wonder enough to generate the interest to record/watch this one.


For whomever is watching - I hope it's informative.

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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

What upsets me just as much as the fact she was murdered (or anyone for that matter), is the fact of all the information that is then let out in to the public.


Why the public needs to know how a child died at the hands of a monster is beyond me.


I feel like if a minor's name isn't given in a horrendous crime, then the details of a minors demise should also be kept private.


It seems to take away their dignity.


Maybe it's because it gives me a hopeless feeling in my heart that a child was crying and I couldn't hear them, a child was wimpering and I couldn't hug them, a child was gasping and I couldn't save them.


I don't think that the media should report the findings of a murder scene or the circumstances of the death (and just as horrifically torture).  It does no one any good to know of these invasive facts of a childs death.  Or anyone's murder.


Take the dignity away from the convicted murderer if you're too scared to kill them.  At least.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

I hope CA isn't going to make money from this series.

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Re: You going to watch the Casey Anthony series?

@mousiegirl George made that motion???  I probably knew at the time, but I had forgotten!  Remember our threads during the trial?

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