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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

I don't recognize any of these ads. Guess I need to watch more TV.

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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

@SahmIam  I was going to say the same thing. I wonder if they are regional.

The commercial irritating me right now is the new Colgate commercial about being a "close" talker. I mute it everytime it comes on.

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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

There's a TV ad for Cover Girl that I have to wonder about.  It shows an older woman, white short hair and a very white face with visible wrinkles.  During the ad, She says something like "She's heard people say there's an age to give up (presumably taking care of one's appearance), but she doesn't know what age that is. "  Looks like she gave up a long time ago.  Her coat is very attractive though!

BTW, the commercial states she's 70;  I think she looks 90 on a bad day.  

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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

"very white face"?  "gave up a long time ago"?


This gorgeous woman?  Are we even seeing the same commercial?

She's beautiful.


Image result for cover girl commercial

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

I can't stand the Progressive comercials,I am so over Flo and Jamie.They were ok at first.The Peletron [sp] ones are irritating,have no idea what they are singing.Medicare comercials with knee and back braces seem to be on every half hour.

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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

That commercial isn't about shadowboxing or being someone to emulate.


It's about being whoever YOU are.  

At least, that is the point of Walgreen's tagline "Keep doing you."


That the commercial may be irritating is a different issue.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

I HATE political and pharmaceutical commercials.  There are others, but that is huge amount to hate.

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

One of the phone service companies, (I think), had a commercial of people at a party eating dip with their fingers.  They have a new one with chunky milk.  A family is drinking/eating this chunky milk and it is soooo disgusting!

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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

Homegirl, I agree with you.  She is beautiful.

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Re: You Know That Commercial with the Middle Aged Woman Boxing

I saw the commercial with the woman boxing for the first time the other day.  I didn’t like it either.  It seemed forced and un-natural.  Others I don’t like: Peloton exercise bikes with a song by Jay-Z that is the most annoying song I’ve ever heard.  Very repetitive, can’t hit the mute button fast enough.  Also, the Charmin bears, re clean underwear, etc.  I know it’s a cartoon but TMI.