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Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

On 3/2/2015 GoodStuff said:

It probably means that Walmart hires quite a few inadequately educated, socially disadvantaged people who without Walmart wouldn't have jobs at all and would be totally dependent on the rest of us for everything.

And as another poster has pointed out, "received" is a sign probably composed and printed by an inadequately educated social activist related to the aforementioned Walmart employees.

There, but for the grace of God, go you - or any of us.

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Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

On 3/3/2015 Shorty2U said:

I wont set one foot in Walmart. I don't care how low their prices are. They also made people work OFF the clock while not being paid. There was a lawsuit and the people who sued won against Walmart.

I have no problem shopping at Walmart. Their employees choose to work there, no ones twisting their arms. I get great buys shopping there! Cha ching!

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

On 3/2/2015 GoodStuff said:

It probably means that Walmart hires quite a few inadequately educated, socially disadvantaged people who without Walmart wouldn't have jobs at all and would be totally dependent on the rest of us for everything.

And as another poster has pointed out, "received" is a sign probably composed and printed by an inadequately educated social activist related to the aforementioned Walmart employees.

... and this post is a perfect example of the problems in this country...

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

Most of their employees ""choose"" to work there as there are not many other options for them!!! Companies like Walmart often treat their employees (who are mostly uneducated and need a job) poorly and do not value them. I know our local ones have management that treats employees poorly knowing that the employee has few other choices for employment.

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Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

On 3/3/2015 Crisso said:
On 3/2/2015 GoodStuff said:

It probably means that Walmart hires quite a few inadequately educated, socially disadvantaged people who without Walmart wouldn't have jobs at all and would be totally dependent on the rest of us for <em>everything.</em>

And as another poster has pointed out, "received" is a sign probably composed and printed by an inadequately educated social activist related to the aforementioned Walmart employees.

... and this post is a perfect example of the problems in this country...

GoodStuff's comment is really not too far off the mark. It holds the truth that there is a portion of our population that is "inadequately educated, socially disadvantaged", and a great many of them want to be just that. They get the benefits of working and earning some extra money and get full benefits from the state and federal government. It's a racket, and many have learned just how to work the system, and have been doing it for generations. I have worked in the field long enough to know, that there are millions and millions of people who do this, want this life, and don't want advancement.

There are many achieving and motivated people working at Walmart as well. Students getting an education, people working a second job to achieve some bigger goal, mom's returning to work part time, to still be available for their family's home needs, people working to advance within Walmart to higher level management positions. Not everyone who does work there is poverty stricken and on the dole.

And Walmart does employ many people with barriers to employment. Our local store has a number of severely handicapped people working, as well as a place for retirees who need to/want to supplement their income.

And in our area, with a starting wage of about $10, it isn't that bad for the work they actually do. I have worked just as hard or harder for a lot less.

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Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

I would like to add this to the discussion:

Please do not assume that low paying jobs = not working hard.

Many people work very hard for low pay.

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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

As to the picture in the OP, the billions received in government assistance isn't because of Walmart's low wages, it is because a large portion of those receiving those benefits are too lazy to do better, don't want to do better, and purposefully set themselves up in a job with hours and wages that fall just within the guidelines to keep getting that federal assistance.

I Walmart paid double, those people would still be on the dole, as they would be sure to only work half the amount of hours, in order to continue their eligibility for the programs.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

It seems to me that NOT shopping in some particular store is counterintuitive to helping the employees of the store better themselves. I worked retail before I went to college and knew from the beginning that the store owners had exponentially more money than the floor staff. Is hat supposed to be some revolutionary concept?
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Wow! What is wrong with this picture?

On 3/3/2015 mominohio said:

As to the picture in the OP, the billions received in government assistance isn't because of Walmart's low wages, it is because a large portion of those receiving those benefits are too lazy to do better, don't want to do better, and purposefully set themselves up in a job with hours and wages that fall just within the guidelines to keep getting that federal assistance.

I Walmart paid double, those people would still be on the dole, as they would be sure to only work half the amount of hours, in order to continue their eligibility for the programs.

Ah, yes. Once again the philosophy that if you are poor, you are lazy. It has nothing to do with the fact that even if you work multiple part-time minimum wage jobs you'll still be in poverty. No. You're lazy. By the way that wonderful Walmart company has such deplorable business practices they can put some vendors out of business