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First, don't assume the man is always the driver.  When we're out together, 99.8% of the time, I drive and not because my husband drinks, he doesn't.  I just love to drive. 


However, I won't drive even if I've only had 4 oz. of wine.  Nope. 


But, to answer your question, you couldn't STOP me from intervening.  If it appeared he was getting behind the wheel, I would've said to the woman 'You're not letting him drive--are you?'.  


I'd tell them I'm dialing 911, taking a pic of their lic. plate and vehicle.  If I could, I'd block them with my vehicle which most likely is larger than what they're driving.


I would cause a scene.  I don't care.


I'm so against drunk driving, you have no idea.  Our son was hit head on when he was 19 and he and his friend (driving) were hurt severly.  The drunk driver went to prison for almost 3 years because he caused a fatatlity in his car (supposedly the deceased was the *agreed to* designated driver--however her BAC was almost 3X the legal limit).


When our DIL was 7 months pregnant, she was hit head on by a drunk (and drugged driver---don't even get me started on prescription pilled-up people who think they're legit to drive--guess again--jail time). 


That driver was sent to prison, too, for a few months because of past repeat driving offenses.  Sort of like a 3 strikes--you're out, which is unfortunate that people can go out and do it again and again and again before they're properly punished for their obvious wanton disregard for others' lives. 


To ALL of those people---PFFT with spit and all.



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Absolutely I would intervene and I have in the past.  However, I would never have assumed in this situation that the guy was going to drive.  In fact, I would have assumed the woman was going to drive since she was sober and he wasn't. 


Not long ago, a friend and I were coming home from somewhere and drove past a seedy bar in my city.  A man was staggering out to the parking lot with keys in hand.  We were stopped at a light and were watching him.  He got to a car and dropped his keys about 3 times trying to open the door.  My friend called 911 and reported it.  We drove away but saw a police car coming towards the direction of the bar.  My guess is there was a patrol car in the area already.


Her in Ohio, unless the police actually witness the person behind the wheel of the car when they've been drinking, nothing can be done. 


I too detest drinking and driving.  I happen to work for a law firm that handles first and second time OVIs and I will not have anything to do with assisting getting anyone off from an OVI charge.  It's ridiculous.   

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I would have done exactly what you did.  OF COURSE you would call 911 if he had driven, that is the only way to get an immediate response. (I have called the police station before and got an answering machine).  Glad there are people like you who care about others!!

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Re: I had seen himRe: Would you intervene?

No one assumed he was going to drive, that's why they hung around to see IF he was going to drive.


When I see any drunk anywhere, the first thought in my mind is "hope he's not driving"


@september wrote:

I think you can't assume someone you see in a restaurant is going to be driving a car.  My husband hasn't driven in 2 1/2 years.  When we go out together, I would find it kind of insulting to me if he appeared tipsy....and they would assume he was driving us home.  


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First thing I would have done, in the restaurant. I would have went up to the server and asked the server "are you aware of the DRAM Shop Law"? If the answer was no, I would have asked to speak with the manager, and ask that person the same question. Another no, and I would spell it out to them.


I would be shocked if they were still willing to suffer incalculable risks to their lives and livelihood to sell a beer to an obviously drunk man. If that failed, I would do exactly what @Shorty2U and her husband did and follow through with it.


I also agree that the laws against those that kill, or seriously injure someone for life, because they chose to drink and drive, are way to lenient.


Kill someone while DWD?  No more Motor Vehicle Homicide Charge, where many skate with a fine/week in jail, and maybe community service.


They should be charged with at least aggravated manslaughter, which in some states can get you 15-20 years in prison. I don't see DUI/DWI as being an accident. You purposely decide to drive while drunk, and to me that should rule out it being classified as being an accident.


If you make it to your destination consider yourself lucky. If you are driving and responsible for a death? No accident, it should be classified aggravated manslaughter every time.





Super Contributor
Posts: 279
Registered: ‎04-24-2016
OP, I would've done what you did and I agree with you that their should be stiffer penalties for drunks who drive, cause accidents, kill people, etc. I can't tolerate drunk people.