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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

I'm sure it's far less food than it sounds like. The portions were tiny. You might not be getting more than a couple of tablespoons of food per course

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

@cherry wrote:

I'm sure it's far less food than it sounds like. The portions were tiny. You might not be getting more than a couple of tablespoons of food per course

@cherry Quite the opposite. It's actually much more food than it sounds like, even when those portions are only used for 7-8 courses. Let alone 22 of them! You think, "oh, look how small these are," and by the 5th plate or so you are wishing you had only tasted the prior courses and not eaten them all. It's way more food than it appears to be, plus it's very rich, and you're eating it slowly over a couple hours. Nobody leaves hungry, and most people can't eat every bite of the whole meal!


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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

I'll take your word for it. I wouldn't eat 1 course of this food

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

@cherry wrote:

I'll take your word for it. I wouldn't eat 1 course of this food

Really? Not the tea, not the radish, not the simple broth, not any of the pumpkin? Suit yourself, more for me! Woman LOL

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

You can have it all. This stuff makes me shudder @WenGirl42

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

Personally, I wouldn't pay $6. for it.  I don't like unusual foods, looks disgusting.

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

I firmly believe if you earn your own money, you should spend it in the way you see fit.


I, myself, would not like the food, and would feel the experience to be extremely selfish. I would sit there eating that food, knowing how many other people in this world were going hungry and how far that $600 could have gone to make life a little more comfortable for them (or how many dogs and cats could be rescued or how much good St. Jude's could do with that money).


Yes, I have spent $600 on something before, and I will say, that when I spend that kind of money, I want it to be for something I will use and have for many many years (like furniture or home furnishings, new tires for the car, home repairs/improvements, etc.). While I would consider it (for myself) good money spent on an experience like a trip to see a new place or people, simply eating it up in the course of an evening would be a total waste, in my opinion. 

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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

We really don't know . She might be very charitable. Everyone doesn't see the same things as important. This was obviously very important to her



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Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

In a word, NO! Most of it looks very unappetizing, and there are some things there that I just would not eat, period. I don't do seafood for starters. None of it really looked tempting, not even the presentation.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Would you enjoy this meal?

Once in Japan I had a kaiseki (multicourse) vegetarian lunch, just to have the experience of one of these fancy Kyoto feasts. A tablespoon or two of food per serving, maybe 10 or 12 courses.


I didn't eat after lunch the day before and skipped dinner afterwards.  Smiley Happy  It was probably around $80 (years ago) I learned a lot about Japanese cuisine from it. 


Everything delicious, some bites more than others, though.  


The menu on this $600 meal had expensive proteins--but I can see why someone with a good palate would find it worth the money.  She's a student who saved up for a special experience, and (unlike me) didn't choose Paris or even Disneyworld.  I get it.  Not too many of the dishes appealed but a few of them did.  I love caviar and would like to taste sea urchin some day.  I have a cheap streak, though, and have a cut off for meal costs, as I like very simple foods too and consume them most of the time.  It means my palate is not advanced enough for ambitious dining, thank goodness.  I have enough expensive habits as it is.  Smiley Happy