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Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

I'm talking in terms of personality, not physically.  I think mine has changed considerably -- good and bad.    A few years ago my older son commented that while my face and body were aging (such a charmer--lol), he thought I was just the same as when he was growing up.  He thinks his dad's personality has changed.  



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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

What an interesting question!  Yes, I think 10 yr. old me would recognize the current me and think I was ok!!

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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

Yes, and it's almost 70. I always when younger, thought about what I'd look like as I aged. At about each birthday, I say to myself, self, this is what xx looks like on you. As long as I don't have a shiny bright nose, and a big smile across my mouth, I'll be ok. 

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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

@qualitygal wrote:

Yes, and it's almost 70. I always when younger, thought about what I'd look like as I aged. At about each birthday, I say to myself, self, this is what xx looks like on you. As long as I don't have a shiny bright nose, and a big smile across my mouth, I'll be ok. 

What about your basic personality though?  

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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

Interesting thought.  I am very different in every way.  When I was 10 I was part of a dysfunctional family, and I was very awkward and shy.  I had no self confidence and I thought I was ugly.  Thank heaven all that changed once I got away from my parents.  It took awhile, but the real Laura was in there ready to come out!

Laura loves cats!
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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

I think so,  I put some thought into this and, since the sweet little girl that I was before that point was already broken by then I think she would recognize who I am now.   


I'm not saying that I sit around whining about it, but I do recognize the reality that I'm still fairly broken.  I can function and have pretty much always been a good citizen.  I keep most of my pain to myself and only take it out on myself, never anybody else if I can help it.


I once asked my father if I was a bad girl when I was little (maybe trying to figure out the abuses and decide if I had any fault).  He said, 'no, you were very sweet, open, caring, and always wanting to help others'.   So, I guess THAT is the little girl who might not recognize who I am now.  Smiley Happy  It's not that I turned into a bad person.  It's just that I closed up a great deal and learned not to trust humans, in general.  I think that appearing tough is one of the self-preservation mechanisms that one develops.


Too much?  Smiley Happy  hehe

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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

[ Edited ]

I am alot nicer now than when I was 10.


When I was 10 I was a spoiled brat.Smiley Sad


I changed 100% when I saw how hard my mom had to work to give me the things that I had. Heart


I was never the same.


I became very thankful,grateful and much more appreciative.  









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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

@tansy, heck no, personality wise. I don't think a 10 yr old pays much attention beyond the toy or game they are playig with. My 10 yr old was outside all time time playing. 

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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

Most definitely! I run into old teachers, classmates,etc. and they all have said, you are just like you were in school,super friendly and funny!

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Re: Would the 10-year-old You Recognize the 50-Plus You?

@ 2blonde wrote:

Interesting thought.  I am very different in every way.  When I was 10 I was part of a dysfunctional family, and I was very awkward and shy.  I had no self confidence and I thought I was ugly.  Thank heaven all that changed once I got away from my parents.  It took awhile, but the real Laura was in there ready to come out!

Sounds like we came from the same back ground, it took me years to gain enough self esteem to trust myself and other people. Unfortunately I had 10 years of PTSS even after I separated from my parents and siblings. My son was shocked when he found out how  I was raised and said he would never have thought I came from that kind of background. The 10 year old me never would recognize the 66 year old me, but I will never forget her.