Hi Lori, yes we have plenty of moles and golphers,they are a pest,I don't know what a shrew is.I have been to Yosemite a few times, even hiked around the back of half dome,loved the waterfalls,we had a small trailer and were camping there,ine time n the middle of the night I heard a banging sound ,so I looked out the window and a small bear was throwing our coleman cooler around trying to get it open,it was so cute,I woke up the family and we watched the bear try with all his mite,finally he walked away,but he ruined that cooler.
As far as wild animals around here,in my yard I had recently a fox ,he was sunning himself on my deck,so we eventually made a lot of noise and he got the message.That also happened about 15 years ago there were 2 baby foxes under my deck and that is how I knew to make noise and scare them away,they were cute but made a poopy mess on my deck.We see deer, raccoons,possums,squirrells[they eat all my almonds from my trees.]I hear coyottes at night,cause a creek is on one side and a river on the other. Lions have been spotted in the hills above us.
Also back to Yosemite,my granddaughter just went on a weekend hiking,camping trip to Yosemite last weekend,she was telling me all about it,she loved it,her first time.
Hello lifeisgood,and Miss Carolina hope everyone is well,and hello to everyone else,have a wonderful weekend,and I will see you around,take care,tucka.