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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

My pleasure, LifeisGood. Love your new nic.

Tucka, I hope you know who she is now, can read through my hints. If not I'll come up with new hints.

Amen to peaceful threads. It is very very good to see you here. How is life in your corner of the world? Spring must be an explosion there. What's the largest wildlife you've ever had on your property? Do you moles or shrews? I find them so adorable.

When I was in Yosemite I saw a mountain lion at the Awahnee Meadow, was scared out of my mind but with my friend who was a ranger and interpreter and she kept me calm. Also saw a bear with three cubs and we had to stand very very still and I was terrified. I wanted to see a bear so badly but when I did it was scary because of the cubs! They were so cute. I wnted to see a mole but never did. They are there but elusive. Oh well.

That trip was the best two weeks of my life!

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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

Hi Lori, yes we have plenty of moles and golphers,they are a pest,I don't know what a shrew is.I have been to Yosemite a few times, even hiked around the back of half dome,loved the waterfalls,we had a small trailer and were camping there,ine time n the middle of the night I heard a banging sound ,so I looked out the window and a small bear was throwing our coleman cooler around trying to get it open,it was so cute,I woke up the family and we watched the bear try with all his mite,finally he walked away,but he ruined that cooler.

As far as wild animals around here,in my yard I had recently a fox ,he was sunning himself on my deck,so we eventually made a lot of noise and he got the message.That also happened about 15 years ago there were 2 baby foxes under my deck and that is how I knew to make noise and scare them away,they were cute but made a poopy mess on my deck.We see deer, raccoons,possums,squirrells[they eat all my almonds from my trees.]I hear coyottes at night,cause a creek is on one side and a river on the other. Lions have been spotted in the hills above us.

Also back to Yosemite,my granddaughter just went on a weekend hiking,camping trip to Yosemite last weekend,she was telling me all about it,she loved it,her first time.

Hello lifeisgood,and Miss Carolina hope everyone is well,and hello to everyone else,have a wonderful weekend,and I will see you around,take care,tucka.

Posts: 67
Registered: ‎07-21-2010

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

Hi Tucka, Lori, and Lifeisgood. It's good to hear from all of you. Since we're talking about the wildlife in different areas, I'll add mine.

In my yard I've seen squirrels, raccoons, possums, deer, bobcats, birds, moles, armadillos, and all kinds of snakes (poisonous and non-poisonous). There are coyotes in the area but I've never seen one. There are wild horses on other small islands near to the beach. A local lady photographer takes her kayak out to the islands and photographs the horses. They are so beautiful but so dirty and muddy. They must roll around in the pluff mud which is black and sticky and has a really strong odor. But, of course, the smell of the mud and marsh is a "home" smell for people who live here. After you've been away from the coastal islands for a while, when you drive back and approach the first bridge to the islands, you roll down the window and take your first smell of the marsh and pluff mud, you know you're home, and it's a wonderful smell. Smiley Happy

I hope you're all having a great weekend. Smiley Happy

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Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

All you have to do is sign out and delete your personal information where is states that below your name shown on the right.

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Registered: ‎05-03-2010

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

I just wanted to post that I did not remove myself(didn't know how too! lol) Glad I didn't, I have been very selective what or where I do post. Thank you all who were kind. Enjoy reading everyone's post, learn many things. The nice people on here way outnumber the nasty ones!!!!!!!!!!

Posts: 67
Registered: ‎07-21-2010

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

Proofer, thank you for letting us share your space, and for hanging out with us. Some of us have left another thread for the same reason you left one....bad behavior from some of the posters. After we left, that entire thread was removed. That should give you a good idea of how bad it became. So we really do understand how you feel.

I'm glad you decided to stay. The posters here that I know are good people, and we have formed real friendships. All of us here seem to fit well together. This is your space, so if we ever make you feel uncomfortable, please tell us.

Posts: 67
Registered: ‎07-21-2010

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

Lifeisgood, Lori, Tucka, Proofer, and Everyone,

The weather here is a little cool but sunny today. We go from AC to Heat literally with no time in between. Heaters are on now. But this week will warm up and the AC will come back on.

I do go to Charleston as often as I can. I grew up there, and I have a lot of family living there. I've always loved the sweet grass baskets and watching them being made. They are made here fact, they are all over the Lowcountry.

There are two historic lighthouses in this area. The old Morris Island Lighthouse in Charleston Harbor is surrounded by water now, making it unusable. And on Hunting Island is the historic Hunting Island Lighthouse which has been moved inland several times due to the encroaching ocean eating away the land. It's happening again now and I heard there are now plans being made to move it again. I've climbed to the top of it, and it's a beautiful view. My DH made repairs to the steps many years ago, so we have a personal connection to it. You can google both lighthouses to see them and read their history.

DH went to Charleston today to visit his aunt. I didn't go because I haven't felt well the past week. I decided to stay home and enjoy the quiet and rest. But we have to go buy groceries tonight when DH gets home, so my rest time will end soon. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

On 3/28/2015 proofer said:

I just wanted to post that I did not remove myself(didn't know how too! lol) Glad I didn't, I have been very selective what or where I do post. Thank you all who were kind. Enjoy reading everyone's post, learn many things. The nice people on here way outnumber the nasty ones!!!!!!!!!!

Hi proofer,

You've received some really nice comments and advice. I'm sure there are others who have wondered the same things.

As I understand it, one simply has to be able to sign in and that's it. No club, no membership. You cease being a part of the forums by stop visiting them.


I'd like to tell you that I've been the originator or part of discussions that have gotten downright nasty, without such intent. Sometimes made so by one poster, sometimes by several. There have been several instances where if it's been one obnoxious poster, I simply write, "Oh, please go away!" Really, that's what I do and usually several others do as well. The moderator has never, yet(!), banned me for writing that. I know I'm opinionated, but geez, some people just get so nasty I believe they need to be put in their place by being told to get out.


I hope you continue to have pleasant experiences on the forums. Since I retired mid-2013, I visit them a whole lot more than I previously did. It's become a daily thing for me - actually a habit!

Posts: 67
Registered: ‎07-21-2010

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

I haven't been to Mt. Pleasant in a while, so I'm not sure about the progress of the road construction. The roadside stands that sell the sweetgrass baskets are usually on Hwy 17 between Mt. Pleasant and McClellanville, and maybe further up the coast toward Georgetown. I think most of the ladies who make them have realized they can make more money by selling them in shops and at the Market downtown, so there aren't as many roadside stands as there used to be.

We used to camp in the Hunting Island campground years ago. Erosion has taken away a lot of the camping spots, so it is much smaller now with fewer available spots. Erosion is horrible on the entire island. It breaks my heart. The cabin end of the island has all but disappeared. There is one cabin that is now standing in the ocean, and it's only a matter of time before it will be gone. Photographers are constantly taking photos of it, knowing it could be the last time. It's so sad.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Would someone please let me know how to take myself off the forums

On 3/29/2015 lifeisgood said:

sfnative ~Just wanted to say you have given some excellent advice, in reference to Proofer's thread. It sometimes helps to read how others have dealt with unpleasant experiences on the forums.

I also wanted to mention that you're in a beautiful part of the country in Oregon. I've actually traveled through Pendleton myself, and can still remember the art museums, casinos and other landmarks that peaked my interest. As you can tell, that beautiful area left a lasting impression on me.

Congrat's on the retirement not so long ago....Smile

Hi lifeisgood,

Thank you for validating my reply. It helps me, as a responder, to know that I wasn't way out there.

Yes, we do live in a beautiful part of the country. When we retired mid 2013, we moved up from brown-brown-brown San Diego. I couldn't wait to get up to the green and all of the trees. It's so beautiful.

Hope you have a wonderful week. God Bless.