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Registered: ‎09-20-2014

There's a new gun control commercial out there where a kid actually steals his parents' gun and takes it to school to hand over to his teacher.

One can only imagine that the spot’s producers consider their set up to be inordinately clever. “Hey,” you can almost hear them say, “we’ll make it look as if there’s going to be a school shooting, and then he’ll hand it over to his teacher and all will be well!” In fact, it is difficult to imagine a more irresponsible storyline. We’re talking about children here, remember – impressionable, easily led, ignorant children. As a rule, we teach our kids that they if they see a firearm they should refrain from touching it, and go and tell an adult. In the commercial, however, the child is shown doing the exact opposite. “If you see a gun,” the ad suggests, “pick it up, put it in a bag, and then jostle it around in front of other children.” One can only wonder at how many kids will now need to be told that they must not, under any circumstances, do this.

Moreover, in the course of his little ploy, the kid breaks pretty much every law on the books. He takes a gun out of his house (not only is this felony burglary, but he’s not old enough to carry a firearm in public); he then takes that gun into a school(that’s against federal and state law); and, finally, he transfers it to a teacher without a background check, thereby breaking the very rule that progressives tell us is necessary to keep us all safe from gun violence. And for what, pray? Typically, anti-gun commercials focus in on a specific safety issue: a lack of trigger locks, or background checks, or safe-storage, for example. This one seems to feature a child who is saying, “I don’t want any guns in the house at all.” This absolute approach is extreme, even for today’s class of wildly incompetent control freaks. Worse, perhaps, the child seems to believe that the public school system exists as a general service that he might use if he wishes to deprive his parents of their constitutional rights — an implication, let’s say, that is unlikely to win many converts.


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Re: Worst commercial in history

The only problem I have is that he was able to get a hold of the gun. How did he know where it was? Was it locked up? Or at least had a trigger lock?

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Re: Worst commercial in history

Unbelievable! I hope I don't ever see that commercial.

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Re: Worst commercial in history

Oh Mellie.... to think that a student might bring YOU a gun.... oy vey!

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Re: Worst commercial in history

This one seems to feature a child who is saying, “I don’t want any guns in the house at all.”

That's what they're going for. Disgusting commercial.

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Registered: ‎04-20-2012

Re: Worst commercial in history

I think the whole point of that commercial is...... so messed up. It's all wrong!

First of all, the child doesn't make the decision of whether or not firearms are in the house. How does the child even know where the gun is???!! And it's okay for him to take it to school and hand it to another trusted adult who is not his parent? Is that the message this commercial is getting at??? What's the teacher going to do with the gun?

I believe an idiot thought up this commercial. I'm surprised it was allowed to be aired.

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Posts: 1,417
Registered: ‎09-20-2014

Re: Worst commercial in history

On 12/22/2014 LucyGoose said:

I think the whole point of that commercial is...... so messed up. It's all wrong!

First of all, the child doesn't make the decision of whether or not firearms are in the house. How does the child even know where the gun is???!! And it's okay for him to take it to school and hand it to another trusted adult who is not his parent? Is that the message this commercial is getting at??? What's the teacher going to do with the gun?

Hand it over to the government, of course.

It really is so messed up. Crazy anti-gun people.

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Posts: 1,417
Registered: ‎09-20-2014

Re: Worst commercial in history

On 12/22/2014 KYToby said:

Maybe the problem is the crazy gun people and their nutty websites.

Nutty websites?

Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,344
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Worst commercial in history

Parents who leave guns where 8 year olds can pick them up and take them anywhere should be locked up themselves.

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Posts: 1,417
Registered: ‎09-20-2014

Re: Worst commercial in history

On 12/22/2014 millieshops said:

Parents who leave guns where 8 year olds can pick them up and take them anywhere should be locked up themselves.


And any person encouraging children to take their parents gun to school with their finger on the trigger should also be locked up.