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Registered: ‎05-15-2014

I had to be reached for a little while after the dental practice was sold.  Mostly with questions on how certain things should be handled.   I did stay on for a few months but during that time my mom was very ill and ended up passing away which made it a very stressful time in my life.   With so many changes going on at once I was surprised how easy it was for me to walk out that door my last day.    I only have stayed in touch with one hygienist with whom I worked with for over 20 years and went through all of her life experiences with her, marriage, children being born, etc.   She is 15 years younger than me so we had kind of a older/younger sister relationship and though I don't see her often we still connect.

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Registered: ‎08-25-2010

No, but I was never a networker anyway. I'll occasionally check my agency's org chart/directory to see if any of my former colleagues are still there. Most are not, but this was the case a couple of years after I retired. Apparently, I led the exodus of those who were eligible to retire at that time. 

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Registered: ‎10-01-2013

Had no interest in work gossip after I retired. Started a new chapter. 

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The last 25 years of my career DH and I worked at a government research base of 10,000 ( who by nature of work collaborated a lot) and because of isolated geography, we all lived in same small ( 30,000) community.  We've been retired 15 years and live 10 hrs away but because of FB we know the "big" things that happen in our community and to our former coworkers.  

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They had my full time and attention when I was working.

But they don't get me for free, now.

Couldn't care less who's doing what back at some job.

I'm busy with my life as it is today.

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

I still have inside connections to the real heartbeat of the place.  Knew a lot of the sadness during the height of the pandemic.   Continue to get the scoop on who is retiring, and how things are changing.   Am very thankful I had the opportunity to walk away 8 years ago.   

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I've been retired for 15 years, but I'm friends on Facebook with a lot of my former coworkers, but most of them have also now retired, too.  I'm part of some Facebook groups for retirees & current employees (Phone Co.), so I get a little of what's going on, but very little gossip, plus most of the folks that now work in my old crew are recent additions & I don't know them.  I'm only in sporadic contact with anyone  that still works there!  I think most everyone keeps their heads down, biding their time until they can retire & escape!