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On 1/13/2014 ------ said:

Farrow separated from Allen after she discovered he had taken n ude photos of Soon-Yi. That must have been a terrible shock to Farrow.

I'm sure it was.

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On 1/13/2014 sidsmom said:

Linders is on to something....."Maybe Mia's a bit upset because Woody never married her."

Never even thought of that....a woman scorned. Ouch,

Why would he marry Farrow if he was in love with Soon-Yi?

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I seldom get his movies so haven't seen one in years.

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On 1/13/2014 brii said:
On 1/13/2014 ------ said:

Farrow separated from Allen after she discovered he had taken n ude photos of Soon-Yi. That must have been a terrible shock to Farrow.

I'm sure it was.

Wonder if Woody would have left if he'd known Mia continued an affair with Sinatra---- that would've been a shocker too probably.

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On 1/13/2014 Ford1224 said:

It's hard to separate the real person from the genius, which I believe he is. I also don't like him much, but I do think he deserved the award.


I love Midnight in Paris{#emotions_dlg.wub}

I don't like WA as a person. I can't stand Mia Farrow either.

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On 1/13/2014 belledejour said:
On 1/13/2014 brii said:
On 1/13/2014 ------ said:

Farrow separated from Allen after she discovered he had taken n ude photos of Soon-Yi. That must have been a terrible shock to Farrow.

I'm sure it was.

Wonder if Woody would have left if he'd known Mia continued an affair with Sinatra---- that would've been a shocker too probably.

It's a bit different when it's your daughter. Allen and Farrow got together when Soon-Yi was 10. That would make me wonder not very nice things.

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Wasn't Soon-Yi's father (adoptive) Andre Previn, who was married to Mia at the time? So why is the media always calling her "Mia's daughter"? She had a father too. Did he have a relationship with her - I mean a sort-of typical father-daughter relationship? He never struck me as a weird artist at all, just a brilliant composer. I wonder what their relationship is today.

I think a lot of what is out in public view is, just as Linders and sidsmom said, MIA is the one who's upset. Her son Ronan has probably only heard HER version of what happened, and since his last name is Farrow, who knows what he believed about his father when he was growing up?

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There is an rule that your children are not to become your lovers..... regardless if your children are adopted and not blood relatives. He was wrong, being the adult in the situation-- to not have walked away from it. It goes to show that he was a pervert that chose to do the wrong thing... to have allowed himself to go so far in the situation. He should have gotten mental help, left the home-- whatever he could have done to stir clear of anything happening. BUT he chose to do what is considered sick. Poor Mia to have found this out.... I do not see how she could ever forgive him. I certainly could not! I am not sure what her relationship is with the adopted daughter today.

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On 1/13/2014 Jules5280 said:

He never attends award ceremonies, he's a germaphobe, among other things. It was decided long ago that Diane Keaton would accept the award on his behalf, since she is his friend. I think he is a perv and doesn't deserve any accolades, but Hollywood is a strange place.


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Mia and Woody never actually lived together because of Woody being such a loner and germophobe and her having all those kids. He always maintained his own apartment on the other side of Central Park from hers. Dating your gf's daughter is tacky for sure but not pedophilia.

Interestingly enough, Mia Farrow's brother was just recently convicted of molesting two young boys and is serving a 10 year prison term. Makes you wonder if having a weird brother like that might make her imagine stuff where it doesn't exist.