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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

Everytime I think human beings have become so hoggish, something like this comes along and proves we have to lower the bar once again.


Can't ppl put themselves in other's places and think, "Would I like to buy a product somebody sampled?"


I don't think I want to know the answer.

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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

!!! LOCK HER UP !!!



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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

@MarieIG wrote:

@happycat wrote:

Of course, her friend was filming it on phone and she posted it to social media. From what I have read, the authorities have figured out who this lady is, and surely she will be prosecuted.


I love ice cream in the summer. This just really grosses me out. Then I read that this is something people are doing- taking the ice cream container out of the freezer at stores and taking lid off, licking and them puting lid back on and replacing it.


What is it all coming to? My husband says they need to put a hermetic seal on the ice cream. I agree. But, what are people gonna do next? All to get attention on social media. Just sick.


Ariana Grande was not prosecuted. 


While I don't believe these perpentrators should do hard time; IMHO - some Community Service would be warranted. 

 @MarieIG , Did Ariana Grande do this too? Is she the one who started it? I'm sorry, I just hadn't heard anything about her in regards to this, but I guess I about live in a bubble.

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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Just disgusting.... Just WHY?

I think try to do whatever they can to post it on social media to get attention. And why, I do not know.

This is just so gross.

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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

I just saw this on the news. Reminded me of that young singer last year or so that licked the donuts and put them back on the tray then was stupid enough to post it. Then I just checked the icecream that I purchased this morning to make sure the seal was still attached. I'm telling you, I'm almost glad I'm on my way out because the way things are going, it will sure be a ****** world to live in. What the heck's happened to decency anymore? I just don't get it. Hope they catch her and put her in the slammer for awhile. I have steam coming out of my ears.

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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

This is sick! Some people are just... Don't even know what to say.

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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

[ Edited ]

Guess it's time to start making punishments a lot harder.  What a stupid thing to do. I hope who ever recognizes her, severly ignores her.  Shame on her!!!!  Hope she doesn't have HIV or the like.  Stupidity has no limits I guess.

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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

She's been identified (not too hard since she bragged about what she did), and arrested.   It's a felony to tamper with food in Texas.

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Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart

@drizzellla wrote:

I think it is more common than you may think.


A few weeks ago I saw a video of a man eating ladles of soup in the local Wegman's. He was just standing there and ate about 4 ladles of soup. 


I personally saw a lady open a bottle of ketchup in our local grocery store. She stuck her finger in it. And tasted it. Then she put the top back on and put the bottle back on the shelf.


We buy Haagen Dazs ice cream and it is sealed.



Oh goodness, that is disgusting!  Who needs to sample ketchup?  That is bizarre.

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Registered: ‎09-22-2017

Re: Woman licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer at wal mart


People wonder why cameras have to be everywhere these days. Because

so many people are disgusting and no concern for food, people, animals,



You have to question everything these days. Low lifes have nothing to do.

Run around and do idiot things just so they can post stuff and say look 

what I did and it was fun.


So many products need to be tossed and then prices rise all thanks to 

these fools.