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Wjy No Eye Protection and Covid-19 Recommendations?

With all the attention given to wearing face masks, gloves, hand washing, etc. why hasn't eye protection also been stressed?


The only time I've heard eyes mentioned is in regard to not touching your face, especially your mouth, nose or eyes.


If I can walk through infected droplets and potentially inhale the virus then the virus can potentially enter through my eyes. 


Pink eye has often been found in covid-19 patients.  Were their eyes the infection's gateway, perhaps through the nasolacrimal ducts?

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Wjy No Eye Protection and Covid-19 Recommendations?

[ Edited ]

You are right, masks don't protect eyes, that's the reason health workers have the plastic face shields or goggles with the mask.  


The CDC recommended the face masks to help keep folks who are already sick from spreading it.  And that's important because there is a period of time when people don't know that they have it and are most contagious.


Cloth masks don't keep you from getting it.

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Re: Wjy No Eye Protection and Covid-19 Recommendations?



When out I am seldom without eye protection. I call them sunglasses because they protect my eyes.


Anyone can draw up a list of all body parts/clothing and on and on in relation to contracting this virus. I choose to focus more on the things the "experts" advised at the beginning of this outbreak. How other choose to view things and/or worry about them?





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Re: Wjy No Eye Protection and Covid-19 Recommendations?

Excellent post....


I live in a high rise community and wear glasses.  When I go to the lobby to retrieve my mail, I wear my swim eye goggles w/mask & gloves.


Out & about INSIDE a store I wear construction eye goggles that came w/my electric screwdriver along w/mask & gloves.  Goggles fit over my glasses.

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Re: Wjy No Eye Protection and Covid-19 Recommendations?

I always wear sunglasses outside.  If it's really dark or at night I wear clear lens glasses.  I've always felt that way about protecting my eyes plus they're sensitive to light anyway.  


I had the brilliant idea to use my cat's Cone of Shame to make a face visor but haven't figured out yet how to affix it to something around my head or onto a baseball cap since I want to be covering my hair as well.

Wear a mask. Social distance. Be part of the solution - not part of the problem.
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Re: Wjy No Eye Protection and Covid-19 Recommendations?

Masks don't they protect you.  They protect others from you if you are infected.  Your eyes would not create droplets to infect others.  You would have to rub your eyes and touch something for you to pass it that way.


I heard an infectious disease doctor on TV last night who said that the majority of people get COVID 19 by picking up the virus on their hands and touching their face.  It's unusual to pick it up in the air, but it is possible, especially if someone is very close to you and directly coughs in your other words, they spit on you.


Hand washing is the #1 important thing we can do along with not touching our face.

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Re: Wjy No Eye Protection and Covid-19 Recommendations?

@hckynut  I always wear sunglasses.  Also, before the outbreak became so severe, I heard on the radio that a doctor suggested getting Neosporin spray and spraying into just inside your nose to use as a barrier.  I do that, too.  Of course, I have only been to the store twice since all of this started, but I have remained healthy.  Hoping that continues.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Wjy No Eye Protection and Covid-19 Recommendations?

@Carmie wrote:

Masks don't they protect you.  They protect others from you if you are infected.  Your eyes would not create droplets to infect others.  You would have to rub your eyes and touch something for you to pass it that way.


I heard an infectious disease doctor on TV last night who said that the majority of people get COVID 19 by picking up the virus on their hands and touching their face.  It's unusual to pick it up in the air, but it is possible, especially if someone is very close to you and directly coughs in your other words, they spit on you.


Hand washing is the #1 important thing we can do along with not touching our face.

The simplest soap is just fine.  You don't need anything fancy.  Only bad thing is the constant washing will rough your hands and arms.  So a cream or moisterizer will help.