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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?

Because that's the service the retailer pays for - to get it to the local PO quick and then let them worry about it. It's cheaper for the retailer. Even Amazon is doing it for some of their shipping.


No "blame" rests with Fedex, etc. It's squarely on the retailer/shipper being cheap/saving money.

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?

@Shorty2U wrote:

Does anyone know why Fed Ex (And does UPS do this too?) hand over packages to the post office to deliver?


We dont always exchange gifts but I decided (last minute, over a week ago) and I ordered my husband an electronic gift in plenty of time, timing it so it would come when I am here and had no appts. this week. Tracked it yesterday that it was to come today, now it got handed over to the post office! UGH!


Wont be home Saturday "when mail comes", so now it will be on the porch in the cold, and hopefully it wont be stolen (havent had issues here yet but I intercept all packages). I just hope it doesnt get delayed till Monday yet too, that would be worse. Have to go get shots in my back an hour away (Monday) and will be gone for multiple hours.


So I was just wondering why they do this? Fed ex is too busy? Its less expensive for the stores?



For the same reason that UPS hands over packages to USPS.  They have working agreements to do this.  Benefits both companies.  If it didn't ~ they would not be doing it.

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?

@GCR18 wrote:

It's a money saver for FEDEX and UPS by not having the drivers drive 10 miles out of the way to drop off a box numerous times a day.  I'm all for it IF it helps the financial situation with USPS.  I get the feeling my postal lady doesn't like it because of the way she handles my deliveries.

It's also beneficial for USPS.  We all know what dire financial problems they've had in the past.  It makes them revelant again in a big way since regular mail delivery is down since the advent of email, text and such.

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?


photo credit: USPS OIG

According to Wall Street Journal: Some critics question whether the Postal Service is charging the delivery services  like FedEx, UPS and Amazon enough for the services. The flood of these packages has begun to tax the system.

FedEx and UPS are moving more of their packages through the U.S. Postal Service, putting pressure on the quasi-governmental … The U.S. Postal Service, having lost so much first-class mail business because of the Internet, is counting more on package-delivery contract work for UPS, FedEx and others.

For FedEx alone, the post office delivers an average of 2.2 million packages a day, or about 30% of the express-mail company’s total U.S. ground segment.

UPS won’t specify how much of its shipments go through the post office, but a regulatory filing indicates those type of lightweight shipments accounted for 40%—or about 37 million packages—of its total increase in ground shipments in 2012.

PMG Donahoe is quoted in the article as saying the criticism is unwarranted. “We make money on it. We wouldn’t do it if we didn’t make money on it..”

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?

I do know for a fact that UPS comes to my house 2 (and at times) 3 times a day (during the holiday seasons).  During 'normal' times they've been known to come 2 times.  My friend was just laughing at how many times she see the trucks in my driveway and in the neighborhood.


It doesn't make sense that they don't just deliver everything at once.  I'd rather have UPS and anyone else rather than the US Post Office.  The Post Office leaves packages hanging out of my very large mailbox, they don't cover up the packages and on and on!  I've gone to the main office and complained and it doesn't do any good.  I've called QVC and asked if I could have anyone BUT the Post Office deliver to me and the answer was 'it was out of their hands'.


I've had to call QVC and have them send me new return labels because they've gotten so wet through the boxes and envelopes, etc.  Ugh!

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?

It is a cheaper way to ship.  It's called SMART something can't remember but Smart is the first word.  First Fed Ex has the package and then it goes to USPS when It hits your state and area.  It's a pain because it is the slowest service I know of so know wonder it's so cheap.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?

[ Edited ]

Oddly enough my packages that are supposed to be smartpost end up getting delivered by UPS.  When I track it thru it will give an explanation like package is getting delivered by UPS today when previously it said USPS complete with their tracking.  

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?

@Shorty2U wrote:

Ok thanks for replying. I hope it gets here. Sometimes the postman doesnt bring as much  mail on Saturdays. Why that is I dont know. I just mentioned I was waiting for a delivery and was concerned and my husband said well if they dont bring it Saturday maybe it will come Sunday (because last week they brought one of his packages on Sunday since the USPS is now delivering Sundays too) At any rate I hope it gets here safely!

@Shorty2UIf you get tracking and it tells you that it is at your post office, you can go pick it up yourself. I do this quite often.

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?


I have had nothing but problems with this system.  JTV does this and UPS brings the package right up to post office a state away from mine.  They sort it and pretty quickly transfer it to a post office in my state that then transfer it to my local post office.  For some reason when it gets to that 1st post office in my state it either sits there for as long as 7days...OR now I have one that for some reason they sent to the east coast (NYC)'s been there for 3days updates...nothing.  I have no idea what is going on but it sure seems like this system isn't working in my area too well.

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Re: Why does Fed EX hand over packages to USPS?

[ Edited ]

IMHO it is all to keep USPS from going out of business. I say let them go out of business already!