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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Why Do People Act Like This??

Ok ladies I have a brain teaser for you all LOL!

Let's say you tell someone close to you about something that really upset and bothered you...a experience you had perhaps that caused you to dislike a paticular thing being done to you. (in my case I had a uncle that would squeeze my knees as a child....I coudn't stand being around hurt and I am a jumpy tiny person so it disturbed I was shy and him getting in my face/space and touching me upset me terribly) So now you have told the person about felt you could trust them....they were a safe person in your life that cared about you and loved you. Next thing you know they are doing the behaivor you loath in spades!

You tell them to stop and remind them of the reasons why you don't like your knees grabbed and squeezed but they seem to get a "thrill" our of your upset or seems to fuel them on to doing it again and again and again.

Does anyone know WHY some people are like this?? is it a mental personality trait??

I just know I am the opposite....if I know someone hates something then I make sure I don't do it to them as I want them to feel comfortable around me and enjoy my company.
