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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

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I think I would like living in Australia but I prefer NZ.


I don't understand people freaking out over bugs or animals. I wouldn't want a bear in my living room but it's not like the US doesn't also have bugs and animals. 

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

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@CrazyKittyLvr2   My beloved Dad grew up where there are numerous "bugs & critters"  inside & outside.  He taught me to check your socks & shoes/boots, for ""bugs & critters" before slipping your foot inside. 

.. To this day, even today, when changing to my "socks & gardening clogs," I checked inside them first!  ... and thank goodness, never have found anything.

   But can you imagine slipping your lil 'ole, delicate, sensitive tootsies into a sock, or shoe that has a "bug or critter" in there already?     *shivers*

"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

Having said that....

Does anyone here check inside their shoes, & socks, before putting their feet inside?

"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

At least they went behind the microwave for  They didn't do the horizontal tango in her bed.

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

I'm laughing my head off. I lived in Perth Australia for a year. Now keep in mind I come from Brooklyn. My husband said when you sit outside look out for red back spiders. As a nurse I told him you better get some anti venum stuff here. What the heck do I know about spiders. Had to examine all of the patio chairs before I sat down. Next I go to the Perth zoo and got bit by some flying insect. My whole hand blew up. I go to the chemist and showed him. I said I need benedryl like yesterday. He told me to go to the GP. I said just an antihistamine, please. It's been over an hour and I'm not dead yet.  I go to the mailbox to get the mail and am greeted by a family of snails. I said I'm living in the twilight zone. You really get used to it all. 

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

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Wow @JackieHN    i can't imagine the "culture or environmental shock" 


... Are Koala Bears as cute, cuddly, friendly & sweet as they seem?

"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

@JoyFilled Warrior 


I actually check inside all shoes/boots/socks before I put them on.


You just never know what is living inside…no matter how clean you keep your home.


A friend was bitten by a bark scorpion when she put on her boot. She lived, but was really ill for a while.

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

A lot of people toyed with the idea of emigrating to Australia.  And a lot of Americans have found home there.  But you are correct.  An isolated continent has been home for some very dangerous animals.  They are for the most not very big...just very poisonous.  The worst are the snakes.  A lot of them.  And yes they do get inside homes.  But there is a service that you call that will capture the snakes. 


The other aspect that is unpleasant believe it or not is the internet.  For some reason it is difficult for them to "hold" the internet.  It is often down.  And when it does, it only emphasises how isolated Australia.  Very isolated.  Even New Zealand is some distance.  They have the same problem as Australia including the feeling of isolation. Still it's a big improvement over what it used to be.  For many years, Australia had a very small population.  It's more then tripled but that has bought more problems with land.  Only a small part of Australia (the entire coast) is habitable.  The further you move inland, the hotter it gets.  Even the original aborigines could only live on the coast. So a good part of Australia is uninhabitable. As a result very few people can own a lot of land. Also it's the dryest continent on earth.  Not a lot of water.  I was shocked to read of a famous Australian actor that put his house up for sale.  It was the size of an apartment in the U.S.  looked like a row house and it sold for millions. Other then that, it's a good place to live.  Starting in the 1960's quite a few American left the U.S. to start living in Australia.  I think for the most part, they have not regretted it.  It does get very hot and humid there.  There is a so called paradise strip of land there where Adaliade is.  The southern coast.  It's dryer and very much like California.  Only other place that offers "paradise" Like California, they have earthquakes and fires.  Fires are a more dangerous threat and people have died trying to flee the fires. 


There a lot of nice places to live around the world. But they sitll have problems just living there.  

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

My sibling has lived in Australia for close to forty years. She has never had any of these animal, reptile problems. She's always been on the east coast there. I've been to visit and have never run into any of these things. Thank goodness.

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Re: Why Australia, Just, Why?

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I've got to give you credit @CrazyKittyLvr2.  You post some of the most amusing, well written posts I have seen in ages.


That being said, I now have an excuse for not cleaning behind my microwave, even if I don't live in Australia.  We have a lot of people here illegally importing exotic animals.Woman Surprised

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~