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Re: Whole Foods

[ Edited ]

WF is good for some items. Unfortunately, the one closest to us is old and looks it. I'll go if I'm looking for something that only they have.


Otherwise, we have at least three or four high-end competitors nearby.


Weekly, though, I depend upon TJ's and our supermarket.

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@suzyQ3 wrote:

WF is good for things. Unfortunately, the one closest to us is old and looks it. I'll go if I'm looking for something that only they have.


Otherwise, we have at least three or four high-end competitors nearby.


Weekly, though, I depend upon TJ's and our supermarket.

@suzyQ3 It goes to show how differently we all shop.  Trader Joes has some fun things sometimes, and great peaches in the summer, but peaches, peaches in a glass jar, and those peanut butter cups are about the only things we get there except:  THOSE COOKIES in the red tin at Christmas.


And we stock. up on them!  Woman EmbarassedWoman Very Happy

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@LindaSal wrote:

I guess I am in the minority here but I happen to love Whole foods.  We are big organic food eaters and the produce is great.  It is more pricey than other markets, but then you are supporting organic farmers.  They also pay their staff well and offer health benefits to part time workers.  My nephew worked there for many years until he finished his education.   Also if you are a Prime member you can get the credit card , get many discounts on a lot of items and earn money back which automatically gets credited to your account online.  To me it's worth it.

Agreed!  I love WF and when I can't make it to my local farmer's market to buy organic produce, I shop at WF.

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@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Lucky Charm wrote:

Unfortunately there isn't one within a hundred miles of the south Jersey beaches.  But I do go to one in PA and do a major haul.  I also hit other places in the area to shopping, dining and visiting.


I can't find Humane Certified meats anywhere else.  Nor organic collard greens.  They have organic bread that is vegan--a must for me and a much better selection of organic olive oil. 


My husband's cereal is cheaper there as is my coconut milk, Campari tomatoes, and usually cucumbers are a better price.  Granted, I can get a good selection of organic foods at my local grocery store.  But I love the selections at the WF I shop at--one in particular is a really nice store--some aren't.

@Lucky Charm  I don't know how far down you are on the shore but there's one in Middletown.

There is also a nice large one in Princeton, NJ...not sure how far you are from that.

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Exactly. Well said.

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@goldensrbest wrote:

One opened in my area last week,went yesterday, the prices were pretty high, i doubt if i will go back ,was disappointed.

@goldensrbest   They only open them in neighborhoods with  high incomes.... that is who they are targeting.

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WF has been revamping their 365 brand-both organic and non-organic.


We do shop WF and we are hardly rich.  They are competitive with the grocery mega-chain here.  In fact, quite a few of the 365 WF brand items are cheaper.


Years ago WF was "affectionatly" called "Whole Paycheck".


Since Amazon took over, many of the high-priced vendors are no longer found in WF.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Agree about Trader Joe's.  You also do not find them in the poorest of neighborhoods, last I checked.


Our TJ's are rather small but we do not buy very much there-seemed to have more back home than the ones down here.


Good for "snacks" and those cookies in the big red tin at Christmas with the Belgian chocolate-yep.  Worth it.  LOL


I have not found their organic produce to be any cheaper than WF, either.

In fact, TJ strawberries last week cost more than WF. 

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Last year there was a big outbreak of covid-19 among their employees at the WF down the street...when I say down the street it's probably about 3 miles from us.  Too much of a bother to go there even at 3 miles as I don't like their attitude especially toward covid early on.  There are plenty of varied stores now that sell organic and guarantee freshness. I don't need snooty in my life.  I've seen celebrities at that WF and they will put their head down to avoid contact when it is more than obvious who it is.  I wouldn't bother anyone anyway celebrity or not. 

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Celebrities need to get over themselves. I would be totally not a fan if I saw one of them acting like that. WF is overpriced and overhyped IMHO. I only go in to buy a few supplements I can’t get anywhere else.