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Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

This is getting to me ,   not going out,seeing people, grocery shopping,  yes i guess my nerves are not good the past few days, i know ,i know , we have to ,but just saying.

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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

I'm still going outside to walk my dog. It's good to get out that way and just be out in the sun for a change.

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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

Reminding myself often I'm not stuck inside but safe inside. I'm sorry for these times and the daily and event sacrifices people are making. It's tough. Especially if you love being with groups of people or are missing out on planned events. Fortunate to be healthy. I don't want to be a carrier. 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

I was getting bored until yesterday when our school district had us return to work from home.  I am a speech/language pathologist so I have spent the last two days learning how to provide teletherapy, gathering resources and video conferencing with team members on how we will deliver services.  

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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

I am getting tired staying at home because I also have to deal with my husband.

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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

I've been having trouble with a mouse in the house. got poison out nothing is doing the job.


this morning I was on the commode, mouse comes in under the door, hubbo is gone to get haircut, I scream ! throw legs up off the floor, mouse runs back the way he came under the door !


I go to the pantry to get me a Sprite, mouse is in there. This is WAR !

so, I get my broom and fixin' to give him a death blow. Throw down blankets, for when he exits the pantry he will be trapped when he runs under them. Some how he comes running out and goes back to the ****

tiny crevice above the baseboard where he's been coming in at and I have D-con sitting there so he escapes yet again.


Now, I have steel wool stuffed in the crevice hubbo says mice won't gnaw thru steel wool.  praying he doesn't get in anymore.   Bad enough I'm running low on toliet paper, now, I can't even go to the commode!



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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

[ Edited ]

You could pretend you're Rapunzel. Or a cloistered nun. Or Mary Queen of Scots. Or Neo while he was still stuck inside the Matrix. Or Oscar Wilde. Or Shakespeare.


If you use that type of perspective, your confinement surroundings and situation and freedoms are actually fairly nice.


ETA: We can go outside. Good time to develop an awesome garden if possible at your location. Actually use the patio and porch and make them extra nice and inviting. Put up a hammock in the yard if it's warm enough, or bundle up and use it anyway.


Cook. Get lost in an epic book you normally wouldn't have time for. Learn to sing or play an instrument from online videos. Write that book or memoir. Take an online course to increase your skills and job security. Have longer more frequent talks with everyone you love, by phone if you can't see them in person.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

I am okay staying home.  I usually don't go out unless I am volunteering at school, grocery shopping or taking friends to the doctor.  Often , that is a few times a week and somethimes zero times.  


Last week my car was totaled by a driver who ran a stop sign while driving over the speed limit, so I have no car.  The insurance company approved a rental for 7 days.  I declined.  There is nowhere to go. The rental would just be parked in the garage taking up space.


I can't even go shopping for a new car. I spend time browsing the internet looking at them. Hopefully, I can replace my car soon and can drive it if I choose.


I am a homebody.

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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

I am going out to walk the dogs several times a day. I am in a rural area, I have property, where I see nobody. If the weather is nice, maybe you could go out just for a few minutes for some fresh air, @goldensrbest.


I am still going to town, but not in any stores. I order online and do pick up. 


Things I use to get at the hardware store or Lowers, I am ordering online. 


Maybe I am over reacting from watching too much news. I don't know at this point. There are folks at both end of the spectrum. I am just being extra careful as my folks are elderly and my daddy has enough heart and lung trouble- I know he is high risk.

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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

@jeanlake wrote:

Reminding myself often I'm not stuck inside but safe inside. I'm sorry for these times and the daily and event sacrifices people are making. It's tough. Especially if you love being with groups of people or are missing out on planned events. Fortunate to be healthy. I don't want to be a carrier. 

I agree about feeling fortunate to be safe inside.  I can work from home.  It's been a bit clunky and awkward, but now that everything is set up, it should go much more smoothly.