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Where is Ali Carr? It seems that now that there are too many hosts since they stopped the over night segments. Hope shes still around. She is a doll!

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Ali Carr is now the permanent social host on Down Home with David on Thursday nights. She has some day shifts coming up on QVC2.

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I just saw her the other night at 1:00AM.

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I have seen her as David's sidekick on his cooking shows on Sundays....

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Ali is on air very little, I think since there is no overnight shows it cut out all those new hosts. I saw CK was on from MN to 3AM today, but that was all the LIVE over night.

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She's on frequently at 1:00 am in addition to David's shows.  She and Katrina seem to be the favorites from amongst the new group.

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She just did a 2 hour IT show from 1 to 3 this morning.