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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

Good question but I really don't remember anything changing from past outbreaks of other illnesses.


I am concerned when it is announced that this will not peak until at least May and possibly return in the fall.


I am concerned that this stockpiling will continue long after things have calmed down.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

I stopped going to the gym (after Tuesday), which I normally do five days a week.  So many inconsiderate people do not wipe down the equipment after use. Rather than get stressed about wiping down before and after getting on a machine, I am opting to work out at home.


I was stocked well with household essentials and food before there was a rush in the St. Louis metro area this past week.  I don't plan on going anywhere until I have to.


I had to stop helping an elderly neighbor in assisted living this past week for obvious reasons.  Luckily this past week, I made sure he had his medications, tax appointment completed and signed off on too!  He also wanted me to get batteries in four of his watches.  I did this on Friday for him.  I miss him dearly!  

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

[ Edited ]

I've always been grossed out by people sneezing and coughing in public. Few cover themselves when they do. I've always used hand sanitizer after shopping. I try to wipe down the cart before using but they don't always have wipes available.


I hope I'm wrong but I fear.......  If this doesn't become the outbreak predicted, the nay-sayers will gloat. Just like the people that whine when the weather forecasters are wrong about tornadoes, floods and snow storms.

They are the same people that complain when the "worst" wasn't forecast and they were not prepared.


I'm the one that wants to know the worst case senerio and I prepare for that.  Forever thankful whenever it didn't come to that. 



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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

[ Edited ]

@Shanus wrote:

1.  Maybe I'll stick with elbow touching and less kisses and hugs except for family members or friends I know don't have colds. 

2.  I'll always keep a well-stocked supply of necessities like toilet paper, meds, first aid items and cleaning supplies. 

3. Guess this should be #1, appreciate good health and not take anything for granted. 



For sure!  I am so appreciative that when I was 34 years old, I made the decision to go to the gym to lift weights and do cardiovascular too. I have now been working out for 28 years!


Nothing you can do about your age, but now, I am not in the compromised health category watch during this new virus outbreak.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

Well I wonder - if it turns out that many less than died in the H1N1 emergency die in this one - if there will be any consequences to those who created the panic.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

I think as a collective, especially at the government levels, and the corporate levels there will be some new practices and protocols. 


For me, I don't see a lot of change at this point.


We live a prepared lifestyle, and always have. I'm always stocked with things we need. I will say I can go through times where I get lax on one or two things or categories here and there, and I'll watch the details of that more closely but there have been very few holes in my preps for this event. 


I'm also always aware of my surroundings as far as germs/illness goes. I've always been one to wipe the cart going into the grocery.I've always been one to sanitize my car surfaces each week, I've always been one to move away from people coughing and sneezing. I've always kept sanitizer and wipes in my purse and use them throughtout the day when out and about. We never wear shoes in the house. We change our clothing when we come home, and wear certain clothing inside, while those worn out are not in contact with our furniture, bedding etc. 


I usually sanitize my door handles/knobs, light switches, remotes, phones, keyboards etc when in cold and flu season, doing that more now.


So I know this isn't all over with yet, and there may be things come up we have yet to learn, but I don't see any really big changes for me after, because most of the things they are telling us to do on all the news shows, by all the doctors and all the government agencies, we already do to some extent, just doing it more often now.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.


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Posts: 20,019
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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

@Cakers3 wrote:

Good question but I really don't remember anything changing from past outbreaks of other illnesses.


I am concerned when it is announced that this will not peak until at least May and possibly return in the fall.


I am concerned that this stockpiling will continue long after things have calmed down.






This thought crossed my mind as soon as they started talking about the possibility of it returning in the fall. 


Depending on how much longer this drain on supplies goes on, there will be an increased demand for now, and people will, when things settle down and get back to normal for a short time, anticipate the next issue (this or another one) and will continue to seek supplies in greater numbers than what would have been normal. 


So I think that people who are just prepared to have a month or two of things they need might easily blow through that, and the increased demand we are seeing right now, even if things calm down, might stay somewhat increased. Probably not empty shelves demand like now, but still pockets of places and certain items that will be harder to get or get in large quantities. 

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

@jpie wrote:

I stopped going to the gym (after Tuesday), which I normally do five days a week.  So many inconsiderate people do not wipe down the equipment after use. Rather than get stressed about wiping down before and after getting on a machine, I am opting to work out at home.


I was stocked well with household essentials and food before there was a rush in the St. Louis metro area this past week.  I don't plan on going anywhere until I have to.


I had to stop helping an elderly neighbor in assisted living this past week for obvious reasons.  Luckily this past week, I made sure he had his medications, tax appointment completed and signed off on too!  He also wanted me to get batteries in four of his watches.  I did this on Friday for him.  I miss him dearly!  


THis is going to be so hard on people in care facilities. Those that are used to having contact with family and friends are going to be so lonely and I'm sure feel great stress with all that is going on. 


I have wondered if a lot of people who were able and had somewhere to go, have left facilities and gone home with family until this is over. 

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

@Isobel Archer wrote:

Well I wonder - if it turns out that many less than died in the H1N1 emergency die in this one - if there will be any consequences to those who created the panic.

Well I am hoping that they are all wrong and we won't have large amounts of sickness or deaths in this country.I think if we follow the distancing we could see less spread.I hope  some day soon that we will be able to thank all those who made the best decisions possible to end this nightmare.We will all have to struggle for awhile and this is the one time that we are mostly  on our own without help from friends and neighbors which makes this more frightening to me.