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When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

I wonder what will be changed, I wonder how we'll look at things and plan our lives then.  I wonder what our outlook will be like on the experiences we're now going into from our old norm.  Just things like that.  I really wonder what we'll learn from having this experience.


Have any of you thought of different/new ways on how you'll do anything just from what you've experienced so far?  What new habits do you think you'll adopt?  I know it's early, but I am having some thoughts here, on a couple of things I may think more about when that time comes.  No doubt there will be a few lessons we'll take from this experience.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

I have since learned there's no such thing as too much hand washing.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

Even though I've always been obsessed with hand washing.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

@qualitygal, I have been giving this a lot of thought the last few days. I've considered things that changed after events like 9/11 and the Boston marathon. Some of the things that changed initially later seemed to go by the wayside. JMO, I many be wrong. 

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

ALL viruses originate from animals.  I have never touched raw meat or fish with bare hands.

I will still continue to wear disposable gloves when handling animal products.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

The world will definitely be a different place. Just like after 911, presidential and politcal assassinations, depression, wars ect..  This is unprecedented.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

[ Edited ]



I think what weighs heavily on my mind is the fact that this will not be the last time something like this occurs. 


The level to which we are not prepared does frighten me, and I am retired, at home and in good health.


I worry for those that MUST work and all those that are already vulnerable.  It saddens me to see the "get mine first" mentality in the stores.


In the future, I hope our government gives more thought to being prepared for such events, because it will happen again.


And, I worked for the Federal Government for 38 years.  A good friend of mine worked at FEMA and was always on the front lines of disaster relief...but this is something that seems to be overwhelming our society right now.


It's all very troubling.

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

1.  Maybe I'll stick with elbow touching and less kisses and hugs except for family members or friends I know don't have colds. 

2.  I'll always keep a well-stocked supply of necessities like toilet paper, meds, first aid items and cleaning supplies. 

3. Guess this should be #1, appreciate good health and not take anything for granted. 

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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

It's almost impossible to say how we will have changed since we are only at the tip of the iceberg. The is a whole lot more we will be going through before we come out the other end of  this pandemic.



What it has shown so far is the inadequacy of our national emergency preparedness and  the failures of planning in terms of our medical. health, and social systems to deal with such an emergency. 

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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Re: When this (virus) and all is all over with, I wonder what the discussions will be like.

I think I am going to try to save more money.

And you know how the cdc or someone said to have a 30 day supply of everything you think you will need? I will try have that supply at all times.

So if this happens again, I am not out till 11:00 pm trying to round up toilet paper,lol.