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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?





When my 35 year old son was in 1st grade his elementary had a "Penny's by the Pound" contest for raising money for new playground equipment.  For one month all classes collected pennies but the last couple of days any type of change could be brought in.  When the coins went to our local bank for counting (in tubs) the school had earned just over $3,600.00 due to all families having loose change at home.  The next couple of years we did not make as much and soon dropped that contest but boy was it exciting that first time.  My son's class did collect the most and won the Pizza Party and the playground looked great.


Did they pay for the pizza in pennies?  j/k  Smiley Very Happy

That is too funny I am laughing so hard @chickenbutt.  No but it was my job as class Mom to go pick them up at 10:30 that morning and I had nine of them.  Driving to the school about killed me I was so hungry.



If I had been the pick up person of those pizzas, they would've been a couple of slices short, LOL!


You know.....I took a corner too sharp, so a couple of slices stuck to the top of the box and rather than waste them, I HAD to eat them!

I wanted to eat some so bad but because those nine pizzas stacked in the passenger seat beside me were so hot the window kept fogging up.  The only reason I was able to stay strong was trying to see the road @KingstonsMom!!  The kids had a blast that day and I loved that first grade year.

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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?

When I was 16 I went to work in a bakery. They had several teens working evenings & Saturdays there. Everyone was given an opportunity to work at the front counter but only I & one other guy were allowed to continue out there because none of the others could get giving the change right. The others had to work back in the areas where the baking was done cleaning up after the bakers, scrubbing dishes & pans  and carrying out the goods or folding boxes - manual labor jobs.That was in the 1960's. So not knowing how to count out change is nothing new.

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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?

[ Edited ]




Parents used to call and BEG me to teach their students how to count change!


To clarify...I was expected to teach the TEKS (TEXAS ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS). My students were in high school and some could not count. 


More clarification: there are some people whose brains suffer specific area of disability. Picture the young lady who functions exceedingly well in general Ed English but fumbles with many math concepts. Picture the charming young man who gets an after-school job but simply cannot grasp the concept of “quantity.” These kids may have a lot of serious challenges in adult life.


[Yet they were expected to learn Algebra.]

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?

I had a convience store clerk refuse to accept my change.  I told her she had to accept it because its considered legal tender.  She said "whats that".  At that point I knew I was fighting a loosing battle, I gave up and left.

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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?


My bank has a change counting machine, and will put your change in it for free, counts it out, and you can deposit it, or get cash for it.

Our bank did away with it. Smiley Sad Now we have to roll it.


I won't use the Coinstar machines - I'm not giving them some ridiculous percentage because I want the cash and not gift cards.

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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?

@Yahooey - one day I was returning something to a clothing store that I had paid cash for.


The person at the register automatically asked me for my CC to make the return and when I told her I had paid cash for it the look on her face was priceless, "oh no one ever does that".

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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?

ewww....think how dirty all of that change is!


but I don’t think of how dirty bills are.

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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?



40 years ago I started saving every $1.00 bill I was given in change.  I never asked to be given $1.00 bills.  Of course back then I paid cash for most everything.  If I'm not mistaken it took just under a year to accumulate enough of them to buy my first used car.  The car cost somewhere between $1500-$1700.  The used car salesman didn't care, he sold the car and made his commission regardless of how I paid.  He laughed and showed the other salesmen the pile of $1.00 bills, then wrote on my receipt that I paid in full in all $1.00 bills. 💵


Say the bill is $1.86 I'll pay the .86 in change if I can get it out quickly and or the line isn't too long.  When I have a large amount of change and there's no line or a short line I'll ask the clerk if they need change.  Many times they say "oh yes!" and take all the change I have. 💰 


As for picking up pennies..... I always pick up pennies and any other coin I find.  I see it as the Universe blessing me and I want to remain open to all the riches it sends my way no matter how small.  😄


I knew a guy who swore he acquired enough money for the down payment on his first house from all the pennies he picked up and saved. 

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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?


@Yahooey - one day I was returning something to a clothing store that I had paid cash for.


The person at the register automatically asked me for my CC to make the return and when I told her I had paid cash for it the look on her face was priceless, "oh no one ever does that".





I had lunch with a few coworkers (all under 30) and one guy paid for the bill. Everyone whipped out their phone and Venmo money to him. I paid him with cash. I had to google Venmo - didn't know that existed.


I was at a bank and wanted to cash a check $130.00. I asked for twenties. She said that doesn't go into 130 evenly. WHAT? She is in the industry - definitely no excuse. It wasn't like I asked 50% in tens and 50% twenties. lol

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Re: When does Paying with Change/Pennies become Unacceptable?



I've seen those machines in a lot of places over the years.


I don't know if this is universal, but the ones I've seen actually take a percentage so you don't get ALL your coin back in the exchange.   I guess they have to make money, too, so it makes sense. 

It's been a few years since I used one, but at that time, the fee was only deducted if you wanted a receipt for cash back. If you had the amount given back in the form of a gift card, no fee was deducted and you received your full amount. This was my choice, since one of the options was an Amazon gift card, and I can always find things I need there!

@WenGirl42 I never noticed that an Amazon GC was a choice at Coinstar - thank you!