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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

On 11/4/2014 wookie said: I wish I could burn scented candles. I can't use scent because of DH's allergies. I have to use scent free laundry detergent, too. When I clean his bathroom, I have to do it as soon as he leaves in the morning, and leave the bathroom fan on all day. I feel for anyone who suffers with allergies. It's no fun.

Hi wookie,

I wish I could burn scented candles too. I use scent free anything/everything I can find.

You are so right...not fun and limiting.

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

I don't like a house that's full of clutter other than that it's not any of my business what people have in their homes I don't take everything in their homes and I don't like people that come into mine staring and taking everything in.

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

I would have to say smell.....I'm cursed with a hyper sense of smell......can't wear clothing or sleep on bedding that has been laundered in scented products ):
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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

I would say the "tension" in the home or the lack thereof, meaning, I can tell if it's a relaxed and loving home or not...and secondly, scents and clutter.
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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

The broken glass on the floor from the window I broked into.

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

On 11/4/2014 brewhaha said:

The broken glass on the floor from the window I broked into.

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

Lol! Love it!
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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

On 11/4/2014 croemer said:


quality of the workmanship

style of furniture

color scheme

lay-out of the home


We had the opportunity to see our friends' new house recently. Oh my goodness, four of my homes could fit in that house! But I immediately took note of the layout of certain rooms and was mentally changing locations, wondering why certain finishes were chosen, odd shaped walk-in master suite closet, and the list goes on.

I know I am freaky about a place for everything and everything in its place. But I can be taken aback by people owning big, beautiful homes yet they can't seem to rid themselves of the clutter!

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

Scents and cleanliness, order next. I don't care about how others decorate or the 'style' as that is their business.

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Re: When You Enter Someone's Home, What Do You Notice?

It would all depend on the house. Maybe a cute, friendly dog; interesting artwork; gorgeous floors or furniture; reading matter on the table; music playing; fishy odor or catbox stink; whatever hits my eye first.