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What would you do if you won Powerball???

I honestly don't even know!  I have a hard time even acknowledging this amount of money.  I feel so sad for the people of Flint, MI.  Some monies would definitely go to them for clean water.  I would gift my kids and granddaughter some. After that, I don't know.   I am stuck in a dream.

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Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???


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Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???

I would buy a nice, modest house, then I would donate to my favorite animal charities, then I would travel some.



Oh, and I would quit my job in a heartbeat.

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Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???

Move -- the only thing keeping us here is my husband's job. Of course it's a moot point as I don't play the lottery so have no chance of winning! Smiley Wink

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Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???

The very first thing I'd do is buy a new car, a small Toyota with a sunroof and a manual transmission.  I've always been too cheap to get the sunroof and the automatic transmission.  A stick shift is far superior on the ice, so I'd stick with that even though money would not be a consideration.  I might buy a Jaguar later, but I'd first get a less expensive car.


Next, I'd give money away to help people I know.  I'm not big on giving to charities because I'd rather give to people I know.


I'd figure out where I was going to live and would get a new house if the jackpot was huge.  I'd get another pet to keep my current one company and build a special room just for them. 


Best of all, I wouldn't have to work unless it was something I really wanted to do.

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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???

[ Edited ]

I already have my goodbye speech to Boss Satan written and the store window picked out that he can kiss me goodbye in.


I will be making a lot of charities happy and buying real estate in NYC and Iowa.  I also plan to go back to school and get another degree.  This time in the area I always wanted to study but was never practical enough for the real world.


Good Luck all!  Smiley Happy  

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Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???

Retire, travel, move, give a lot of it to some people I know, and buy more shoes.  Lots and lots of shoes.

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Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???

Well, immediately, my sister could quit her job because I'd share with her. Same goes for my two stepsons. 


I'd help several friends who are struggling.  Share with them and family. 


Charities, sure, but also just individual gifts to people. 


For me and my husband maybe I'd buy a new car.  

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎10-24-2015

Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???

Share it with my family members and a few good friends. Donate LOTS of $$$$ to several animal charities.

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What would you do if you won Powerball???

Anything and everything I want to.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."