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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

I also like early morning best, from about 5-9.  I often have time then to play a few Lumosity games on the computer while having my coffee--tuning up for the day ahead. 

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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

I hearted or thumbs upped all of you, because, they are all relaxing and beautiful thoughts.----tedEbear

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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

Well, I guess I'm the "odd man out" in this discussion.  What I tell everyone is that I no longer "DO" mornings.  And if I have appointments, I try to make them at 3 pm or later.  

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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

Truthfully?  Anytime I can breathe and think for myself without interruption or distraction.

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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

I've never been a morning person . . . and now especially, since that's when the pain is the worst. 


I would say my most peaceful time is at night when I'm about to go to sleep.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

 Always have been an early person. Best time for me is 4AM.  

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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

3am to 6am

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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

My favorite time is bedtime.   When I worked nights, I loved coming home in the mornings and going straight to bed.   Now that I'm retired, I love doing the nightly lockdown, turning the lights off, and getting in my bed.  

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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

I usually get up about 2:30-3:00AM. I love the quiet morning time! I work in my hobby room. I keep busy until daylight and then go take an hour walk. Nicest time of the day!

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Re: What is your favorite time of day?

Early afternoon.  Whatever "chores" are done, and I can do whatever I want until it's time to make dinner.