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Re: What is with the fascination about Facebook?

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

People who say that FB is "invasive", and that it takes up most of your day, obviously don't know what they are talking about, because that is just plain hogwash.



The FACT is, YOU get to decide what exactly is on your page.


The FACT is, YOU get to decide exactly how much time you spend on your page.



Case in point, on my page I only post on average maybe once every ten days or so.


I can go days without even visiting my FB page, and when I do visit it, I certainly don't spend "all day" on it. In fact, I only spend about ten minutes or so, just to see if there is anything new from the rescue groups, or my friends.


So, you see, one does NOT have to be a slave to FB, and to think otherwise is just plain stupidity and ignorance of FB.

Based on the near hysteria posted on this forum when QVC has a day or weekend of programming someone doesn't like, I'd say that more folks are a slave to and addicted to QVC (it's programming and it's forum) than are to fb!!




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Re: What is with the fascination about Facebook?

[ Edited ]

@HappyDaze wrote:

wow there are some serious defenders of FB. Some just have to constantly come back with  their justifications why they like FB and why those of us who don't are wrong, dumb, against technology, etc . Interesting.

Not sure why you can't just say you like it and not constantly try to come back with a response to others who simply don't like it? If you don't feel like you need to strong arm others to using or liking it, why do you feel the need to defend your use of it constantly? It feels a bit like strong arming to me.


What a fascinating thread!

Seriously?  Perhaps people come back repeatedly because there are repeated ridiculous claims and accusations regarding the PEOPLE who use facebook?  Why can't you and other fb detractors just say it's not for you?


Hello pot, meet kettle.


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Re: What is with the fascination about Facebook?

@RazorSharp wrote:

This thread is very common in its theme to these forums.  I don't see anything wrong with saying you don't understand something like Facebook, because you are a naturally curious human being who is seeking to learn.  However, saying that something is bad because you don't understand it does not show curiousity or intellect; it seems to be about rallying others to validate one's lack of understanding.  Any thread would be better if it helped to promote open-mindedness toward new ideas instead of inciting celebrations of ignorance.  



I have seen at least one thread about FB where the OP *genuinely* (as opposed to faux) wanted to know more about FB and had true curiosity. There were the usual ignorant cons and disses as there are in this thread, but the OP actually read and acknowledged the positives people were describing, as have been described here, and said they hadn't thought of some of those things. People offered suggestions to the OP as to how to have someone help them set up a page so it would be exactly as they chose it to be. It was a pretty balanced thread.


But yeah - FB is one of the "hot button" topics people use to troll for heated reactions; as we all know there is more than one of these types of topics ;-(


There are social media I don't "get" for myself - Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. I've tried each of them more than once and I can't see the point *for me.* But it honestly hasn't entered my head to start a thread about why I personally have no use for them. Clearly, millions love them, so what's the point? Just to look like a boor?


Just because something isn't right for ME doesn't mean I should get pleasure out of attempting to trash it for others. So I don't participate in those sites because they don't offer *me* anything - that does not mean they are pointless, useless and that any and all who do enjoy them are full of ghastly personality flaws - LMAO!

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: What is with the fascination about Facebook?

@Moonchilde wrote:

@RazorSharp wrote:

This thread is very common in its theme to these forums.  I don't see anything wrong with saying you don't understand something like Facebook, because you are a naturally curious human being who is seeking to learn.  However, saying that something is bad because you don't understand it does not show curiousity or intellect; it seems to be about rallying others to validate one's lack of understanding.  Any thread would be better if it helped to promote open-mindedness toward new ideas instead of inciting celebrations of ignorance.  



I have seen at least one thread about FB where the OP *genuinely* (as opposed to faux) wanted to know more about FB and had true curiosity. There were the usual ignorant cons and disses as there are in this thread, but the OP actually read and acknowledged the positives people were describing, as have been described here, and said they hadn't thought of some of those things. People offered suggestions to the OP as to how to have someone help them set up a page so it would be exactly as they chose it to be. It was a pretty balanced thread.


But yeah - FB is one of the "hot button" topics people use to troll for heated reactions; as we all know there is more than one of these types of topics ;-(


There are social media I don't "get" for myself - Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. I've tried each of them more than once and I can't see the point *for me.* But it honestly hasn't entered my head to start a thread about why I personally have no use for them. Clearly, millions love them, so what's the point? Just to look like a boor?


Just because something isn't right for ME doesn't mean I should get pleasure out of attempting to trash it for others. So I don't participate in those sites because they don't offer *me* anything - that does not mean they are pointless, useless and that any and all who do enjoy them are full of ghastly personality flaws - LMAO!



THIS ^^^^^^^^


from @Moonchilde

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Re: What is with the fascination about Facebook?

@Moonchilde wrote:

@RazorSharp wrote:

This thread is very common in its theme to these forums.  I don't see anything wrong with saying you don't understand something like Facebook, because you are a naturally curious human being who is seeking to learn.  However, saying that something is bad because you don't understand it does not show curiousity or intellect; it seems to be about rallying others to validate one's lack of understanding.  Any thread would be better if it helped to promote open-mindedness toward new ideas instead of inciting celebrations of ignorance.  



I have seen at least one thread about FB where the OP *genuinely* (as opposed to faux) wanted to know more about FB and had true curiosity. There were the usual ignorant cons and disses as there are in this thread, but the OP actually read and acknowledged the positives people were describing, as have been described here, and said they hadn't thought of some of those things. People offered suggestions to the OP as to how to have someone help them set up a page so it would be exactly as they chose it to be. It was a pretty balanced thread.


But yeah - FB is one of the "hot button" topics people use to troll for heated reactions; as we all know there is more than one of these types of topics ;-(


There are social media I don't "get" for myself - Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. I've tried each of them more than once and I can't see the point *for me.* But it honestly hasn't entered my head to start a thread about why I personally have no use for them. Clearly, millions love them, so what's the point? Just to look like a boor?


Just because something isn't right for ME doesn't mean I should get pleasure out of attempting to trash it for others. So I don't participate in those sites because they don't offer *me* anything - that does not mean they are pointless, useless and that any and all who do enjoy them are full of ghastly personality flaws - LMAO!


"There were the usual ignorant cons and disses as there are in this thread,......"


People who don't care for Facebook have ignorant reasons???  Come on, now.

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Re: What is with the fascination about Facebook?

@colliegirls wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@RazorSharp wrote:

This thread is very common in its theme to these forums.  I don't see anything wrong with saying you don't understand something like Facebook, because you are a naturally curious human being who is seeking to learn.  However, saying that something is bad because you don't understand it does not show curiousity or intellect; it seems to be about rallying others to validate one's lack of understanding.  Any thread would be better if it helped to promote open-mindedness toward new ideas instead of inciting celebrations of ignorance.  



I have seen at least one thread about FB where the OP *genuinely* (as opposed to faux) wanted to know more about FB and had true curiosity. There were the usual ignorant cons and disses as there are in this thread, but the OP actually read and acknowledged the positives people were describing, as have been described here, and said they hadn't thought of some of those things. People offered suggestions to the OP as to how to have someone help them set up a page so it would be exactly as they chose it to be. It was a pretty balanced thread.


But yeah - FB is one of the "hot button" topics people use to troll for heated reactions; as we all know there is more than one of these types of topics ;-(


There are social media I don't "get" for myself - Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. I've tried each of them more than once and I can't see the point *for me.* But it honestly hasn't entered my head to start a thread about why I personally have no use for them. Clearly, millions love them, so what's the point? Just to look like a boor?


Just because something isn't right for ME doesn't mean I should get pleasure out of attempting to trash it for others. So I don't participate in those sites because they don't offer *me* anything - that does not mean they are pointless, useless and that any and all who do enjoy them are full of ghastly personality flaws - LMAO!


"There were the usual ignorant cons and disses as there are in this thread,......"


People who don't care for Facebook have ignorant reasons???  Come on, now.

@colliegirls  I interpreted is as @Moonchilde directly responding to my assertion that those who bash something that they have not tried or been able to understand were ignorant, not those who had given it a fair shot and put it aside.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: What is with the fascination about Facebook?

@colliegirls wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@RazorSharp wrote:

This thread is very common in its theme to these forums.  I don't see anything wrong with saying you don't understand something like Facebook, because you are a naturally curious human being who is seeking to learn.  However, saying that something is bad because you don't understand it does not show curiousity or intellect; it seems to be about rallying others to validate one's lack of understanding.  Any thread would be better if it helped to promote open-mindedness toward new ideas instead of inciting celebrations of ignorance.  



I have seen at least one thread about FB where the OP *genuinely* (as opposed to faux) wanted to know more about FB and had true curiosity. There were the usual ignorant cons and disses as there are in this thread, but the OP actually read and acknowledged the positives people were describing, as have been described here, and said they hadn't thought of some of those things. People offered suggestions to the OP as to how to have someone help them set up a page so it would be exactly as they chose it to be. It was a pretty balanced thread.


But yeah - FB is one of the "hot button" topics people use to troll for heated reactions; as we all know there is more than one of these types of topics ;-(


There are social media I don't "get" for myself - Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. I've tried each of them more than once and I can't see the point *for me.* But it honestly hasn't entered my head to start a thread about why I personally have no use for them. Clearly, millions love them, so what's the point? Just to look like a boor?


Just because something isn't right for ME doesn't mean I should get pleasure out of attempting to trash it for others. So I don't participate in those sites because they don't offer *me* anything - that does not mean they are pointless, useless and that any and all who do enjoy them are full of ghastly personality flaws - LMAO!


"There were the usual ignorant cons and disses as there are in this thread,......"


People who don't care for Facebook have ignorant reasons???  Come on, now.



Indeed, those who simply parrot what others have said without personal experience, and those who refuse to spend a few minutes to configure a website to their preferences and complain because it isn't ideal upon opening the box. There is such a thing as set-up.


If one doesn't feel like bothering to put in 10 minutes, okay - but how are they qualified to trash something they personally have not used or have refused to bother setting up? And why would they?


Friends and family annoy/bore you? Not sure whose fault that is, but it's not FB's fault. It's not like they created a platform specifically to annoy people. It isn't for everyone, but why go out of your way to bash & trash something you (figurative) either have not used or have not been able to configure to your (figurative) liking. Just because one doesn't want to bother with something is no reason to label everyine who *does* use it.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all