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Re: What is everyone doing for the 4th of July?

Thank you ladies! Great tips! I was in DC last
month and while there bought 5 Metro cards with $20 on each. Hopefully there will be a million water vendors near the museums, as usual. Looking forward to being LOUD! Enjoy the holiday, ladies.
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Re: What is everyone doing for the 4th of July?

We are just staying need to go anywhere since our neighborhood has plenty of fireworks to watch.

DH will be smoking brisket and I'll be making a salad and then topping it off with either a couple of Corona Extra or Angry Orchard's hard apple cider 'crisp apple' (EACH...LOL)

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What is everyone doing for the 4th of July?

I'm staying inside.  People light fireworks everywhere and it sends my dog into a nervous breakdown (he's a rescue who had been abused before).  I worry about veterans with PTSD and animals with all the fireworks and noise.

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Registered: ‎10-09-2012

Re: What is everyone doing for the 4th of July?

I live 7 minutes outside DC.  We usually get a room in a hotel in nearby Crystal City because the windows are floor to ceiling, and we can watch the spectacular fireworks clearly from there.  We have a great dinner, with nary a mosquito to disrupt our good time.


This year we are staying home and celebrating reverently and joyfully in front of the TV showing the 39th July 4th A Capitol Fourth concert on PBS. 

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Registered: ‎07-18-2018

Re: What is everyone doing for the 4th of July?

I would like to cook out, but it is so hot and dry here in NC I'm afraid I will set the backyard on fire. Plus, the air index has been on code orange which for me is a stay inside must. I will cook my family's favorites and wait for all you know what to break loose when the fireworks go off. My dog gets so scared and shivers and shakes.

I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th and if you are traveling please stay safe.