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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

stranger things have happened.

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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

Had there been a video of OJ committing these murders, THAT jury still would have found OJ not guilty. 

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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

I agree @lulu2



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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

@Kachina624 wrote:

He has been declared innocent in a court of law.   Done and done. 


@Kachina624  No, he was found not guilty, legally there is a difference, but he was found guilty/responsible in the Civil trial, as you know.

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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

[ Edited ]

@lulu2 wrote:

Had there been a video of OJ committing these murders, THAT jury still would have found OJ not guilty. 


@lulu2  If Nicole has installed cameras, as her friends suggested, there would have been video, and if the Jury still pronounced him not guilty, I believe that would be grounds for a mistrial.

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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

[ Edited ]

  If you followed the trial & remember all the evidence presented there is absolutely no way that anyone can conclude that O.J. was innocent!! He was & still remains guilty as hell!! There was absolutely no way that the jury was going to convict him!!

  He will probably be paroled!! I hope he lives out the rest of his life in misery & burns in hell where he belongs!! He ruined a lot of lives including his own family!!! My heart still breaks for the Simpsons & the Goldbergs!!!

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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

honestly @Perkup  i appreciate your post.  if you paid attention to all the evidence and ignored all the shennigans of the defense, there is no other choice but to find him guilty.   that's the only conclusion you could come to. 


my condolences about your husband.

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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

I sure hope O.J. gets released soon so that he can continue his search for the real killers.

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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?


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Re: What if O.J. Simpson is innocent?

@KingstonsMom wrote:

@Bri21 wrote:

I don't know how the jury lives with themselves.  They set a murderer free 



I agree and feel the same about the jurors in Casey Anthony's trial.


I hope they see little Caylee's face, every time they close their eyes.

All of the jurors have nothing to be 'ashamed' of, the prosecution in both cases, knowing what they had to present in court blew the chances of a conviction.  It's not the first time, nor will it be the last imo.