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What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

Not resolutions now...........goals.  Goals you can stick with thru the end of this new year  or until you meet those goals?

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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

10,000 steps a day on my pedometer. That becomes easier once the snow and cold temperatures are over, but it can be done using an inside walking regime.

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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

I look at setting goals and making resolutions as just setting yourself up for failure and smart remarkds from friends and family when you fail to measure up to what you keep saying you are!  Failure to meet preset goals can often lead to low self esteem and being too critical of yourself.  I just live one day at a time in the moment and try to be the best me I can in all areas.  

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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

I am going back to the happiness project.  I set a goal that will make me happy and do it for 6 weeks.  If I like it I will continue it and add another goal for the next 6 weeks.  6 weekes they say will create a habit.  Taking baby steps works for me.


My first 6 weeks I will drink 8 glasses of water a day.

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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

I just want to be kinder and less judgmental, more aware of what comes out of my mouth. I'm tired of ugliness towards each other and living in a Jerry Springer world.

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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

@QCualityGal wrote:

Not resolutions now...........goals.  Goals you can stick with thru the end of this new year  or until you meet those goals?

QualityGal, I love your was one of my Mom's favorite sayings!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful New Year! Heart

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

@Pook wrote:

I look at setting goals and making resolutions as just setting yourself up for failure and smart remarkds from friends and family when you fail to measure up to what you keep saying you are!  Failure to meet preset goals can often lead to low self esteem and being too critical of yourself.  I just live one day at a time in the moment and try to be the best me I can in all areas.  

There is nothing wrong with setting goals in your life.  It gives you something to work towards.  I set a specific goal I wanted to accomplish by year end.  Didn't make it, came up one thing short.  Self esteem not harmed, just more determined.


Goals tend to have specific, measurable benchmarks.  A plan for success.


Resolutions are more hopes and wishes.  As if after the new year it will just happen.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

@emmysmom, that quote is said a lot by a crocheter on youtube I watch, her mom said it all the time. I'd never heard of it, but it does fit a few situations doesn't it? LOL

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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

[ Edited ]

@qualitygal wrote:

@emmysmom, that quote is said a lot by a crocheter on youtube I watch, her mom said it all the time. I'd never heard of it, but it does fit a few situations doesn't it? LOL

Yes, it does...but the best part is it makes me think of my mom..she's been gone for 12 years now...and this makes my day~ Heart xox

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Re: What goals for the new year have you set for yourself?

I have lost 35 Lbs. since July, and my goal is to stick to a healthy eating plan and continue to lose weight. I was more or less scared into it because of a high BP. diagnosis, but the results have been great in so many ways. My activity level and self esteem has increased. I used to be pretty disciplined, but in the last few years I lost my way, so this reminded me of what I'm capable of . 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan