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What dumb things did you believe as a child?

I remember that when there was some heavy cleaning to do, my mother would say, going to use "elbow grease". I actually thought she'd put something on her elbows to make them work better (I really was dumb but then I was only about 5 or 6 years old). Woman Very Happy

I lived in Los Angeles at the time and in a way, it was the golden age of radio. They'd pull all kinds of goofy stunts, and one time one of the stations announced, with great urgency, that there was a wild amoeba on the loose in the city. I was sitting with my parents in a diner, heard the annoucement, and became very anxious (again, I was less than 6 years old). I asked my parents to go home (presumably to hide from the amoeba) and they laughed and assured me it was a joke. I believed them about 50% and was still feeling anxious till we left

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

When I was young, I thought there was an intruder under my bed (not a monster, a person). Every night my dad would look under the bed and in the closet so I could relax and fall asleep. He gradually started doing the whole house. Years later, my son was staying with my parents  and helped him. He asked, "What are we looking for?" Thank goodness my dad was quick on his feet and answered "leaks."


My dad searched the house nightly until he was too weak with cancer to continue. He had my mother take over for him.

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

That new sneakers, particularly Keds and PF Flyers, could make you run faster and jump higher!


I always thought there were very tiny, real people in the television.

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

As a very young child, I remember hearing about '''life''' insurance - and wondering why '''EVERYBODY'''  wouldn't want to have ''life''' insurance if it meant that you were going to live forever !

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

I was convinced that the sewing needles (dragonfly's) would sew up my lips if I got too close to them. Needless to say, I was terrified of them. Still am. 

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

[ Edited ]

That you could jump out of a tree with a open umbrella and float to the ground. 
My friend tried it and broke his arm. 

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

That those in positions of influence were telling the truth.

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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

My parents were strait-laced and humorless.   There was no joking around.   No fairy tales and no "wild imaginations".

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

One of my friends told me that when she was a child,  she believed that Mount Rushmore was natural, not man-made.

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Registered: ‎06-06-2019

Re: What dumb things did you believe as a child?

That your parents LOVE you no matter how hurtful and badly they treated you.  That God will help if you ask and pray to him.  There is a Prince Charming, Santa Claus, and fairies.