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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

[ Edited ]

The bolding and all the colors are so annoying.


The general preachiness of some posters...


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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

@chickenbutt wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

@Melania wrote:

Learn to spell...please!


Advice...not advise.

Their, there, they're...use them properly.

You're....not your when saying You Are.


Use paragraph breaks. 

No dissertations. We get it in the first 100 paragraphs.

Loose and Lose are ones I see constantly misused. 


And yes, no wall of text. The return key is your friend. 


Oh-my goodness!  You struck a nerve here (bolded by me).   I was reading a thread yesterday, in another forum here,  where the word 'loose'  instead of 'lose' must have been used a dozen times.   I had to get out of there, as I was just on 'loose' overload!   Seriously!  I thought my head was going to explode.  I had to use every resource to my avail to not pound out a post explaining the difference.

I was going to add the lose vs loose mistakes, too.  I don't understand how that distinction is confusing and shouldn't be an auto-correct issue.


Paragraphs are good.



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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

I am the same person here than I am in person. I'm not mean or ugly by nature and I know sometimes the written word doesn't translate the same and if someone misinterprets my viewpoint and responds unkind, I do not respond as I know it will turn into a never ending thing. I know we aren't all going to see eye to eye but it's a great place to make new friends. 

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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@Melania wrote:

Learn to spell...please!


Advice...not advise.

Their, there, they're...use them properly.

You're....not your when saying You Are.


Use paragraph breaks. 

No dissertations. We get it in the first 100 paragraphs.




I agree with everything that you have said.



I would only add that for people to know that it's "WOULD HAVE", and not "WOULD OF"




I don't think spelling mistakes or misuse of words would really be etiquette, but I have to agree I don't understand the use of could of and would of.  Even if that is what you "hear" and at one time  really thought it was, you must have seen it in print a few hundred times in your life.

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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

@Moonchilde ITA


I would also say as in real life try to understand what the person is saying and not get to , two , too picky about grammatical issues.  I know I  make errors. Most of us do.  Sometime in ignorance , lack of proofreading , carpal tunnel , or having  only one cup of coffee. 

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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

I try to treat people the way I want people to treat my own family or children. 




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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

[ Edited ]

So many good pieces of advice here. 😊


I love emojis, memes, and videos, but sometimes there is overkill that ends up detracting from the discussion.  


Also, a comment about email since it's related to netiquette:  I think responding within 24 hours is reasonable.  Sometimes I get emails at work and people are really miffed if I don't respond within 20-30 minutes.  I end up with a string of "Hello...did you see my email...I need a response..." and I'm thinking, " you think I have nothing else to do than sit around all day checking emails?"

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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

@bri20 wrote:

Don't shout by using all caps or underlining for emphasis. 


Read the thread before you comment.

@bri20 - yes.  I see that quite often, "I haven't read any of the replies BUT...."  Really?


And I'll add it would be nice to dial back on the unending animated gifs. 

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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?

MJ12 wrote:

bri20 wrote:

Don't shout by using all caps or underlining for emphasis. 


Read the thread before you comment.

@bri20 - yes.  I see that quite often, "I haven't read any of the replies BUT...."  Really?


And I'll add it would be nice to dial back on the unending animated gifs. 


ITA with both of you that it is good form to read the thread before replying.  I feel like some folks just don't understand that a thread is a conversation - well, and in very few cases I think it's just a matter of a person thinking that the only thing that matters is what that person has to say (one comes to mind).  Smiley Wink

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Re: 📲💻What are your personal "Netiquette" rules?


Core ethics and integrity if genuine dictate how we act whether in real life with our real identity out there or on the net when we're behind anonymous nics. If I lower my standards when I'm posting anonymous ....  those lower standards are the real ones imo. Just like the adage 'the test of character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.' I think true character shows up when hiding behind a anonymous nic.