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What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

We're a nice cool 61 here right now.  But Mr. said that next week we're supposed to get some really hot temps.


Our weather people here, are not always right.  They either use a pet rock, or do coin toss.  LOL

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Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

It's 77 degrees in RI as I type this.  We will get up to around 85-88 today with sunny skies and a bit of humidity.   The humidity is going to rise as the week goes on and we are forecasted to be in the high 90's by mid week.   It's not nearly as bad here as in the southern states, it's the humidty that kills us though.

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Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

Refreshing 62 here in Johnstown PA right now, high is expected to be 82 today. Humidity is 98% right now.

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Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

We are still in three-digit misery......probably 103 today.  Our high this year has been 114 with a heat index of 121.......Texas hill country.  Come on October.

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Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?


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Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

115° today, 118° Tuesday

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

[ Edited ]

It'll be in the upper 80's and humid.  Later this week will be  100F. (actual temp) Everyday humid and threat of storms. This morning was a storm.  Unusual for us in the early morning.  Most of our storms are in the afternoon. Had to delay my shower this morning till the worst of the storm was past!


I think later this week it'll be over 100F in many states!

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Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

[ Edited ]

@Desertdi wrote:

115° today, 118° Tuesday

Yup, another day in Phoenix Hell. 


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Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

@Meowingkitty wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

115° today, 118° Tuesday

Yup, another day in Phoenix Hell. 

It's that guy's fault for deciding that Phoenix should be located in the middle of a crater.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What are you expecting for a high in your temperature outside today?

I'm in SE Florida.  The forecasts are basically accurate for the general area, but for the community and time you want to know, you need to pay careful attention to the details. even the tiny ones!  Last Thursday I left home in the sunshine, drove a half mile for my pedicure appointment.  I walked from the car to the salon in puddles and pouring rain.  Had to walk around deep puddles to get back to my car and drive home, but I was back in sunny, dry territory before I finished that half mile.