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Re: What Would You Name Your Dog

Parsnips. 🤣🤣🤣

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Re: What Would You Name Your Dog

Oyster Stew.( Stewie?)


Our local Supermarket must have wanted to get rid of them as $3 less a pound than during the holidays so bought some.


My rescue, adopted six months ago knew his new name , Franco.I kept it and it fits him well. The poor guy was just called Dawg before on initial papers so I  am certain I did rescue him. 

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Re: What Would You Name Your Dog

Shrimp roll!Woman LOL

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: What Would You Name Your Dog

cheetos but maybe I could call him chester

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Re: What Would You Name Your Dog

@Bird mama wrote:


@Bird mama  I saw 2 little chihuahuas on Americas Funniest Home videos that were named "Biscuits" and "Gravy". Thought that was really cute!