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What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?

My dear grandmother could ALWAYS be depended on to give advice, share her wisdom and tell it like it was.😁 If I told her someone was saying mean things about me as a young girl, she would sometimes say, "baby, when someone is saying bad things about YOU, they are letting someone else rest, so consider the source, and just let it flow like water off a duck's back"! I still use that one, and smile, because it is SO true!😊


What are some your parents, grandparents or even friends gave you?


~~~All we need is LOVE💖










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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?

Be yourself to everyone but especially when dating so the person is clear on who you are. 

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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?


Good grief, whatever you do, DON'T marry him!   He's a LEO! 


(She was right.)

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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?



I can sympathize with the "Leo" appraisal...    di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?

My grandparents must have memorized the book of Proverbs because they were full of wisdom.  We lived with them, or they lived with us.  We needed them and they needed us.  We kept them young and they kept us on the right path.

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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?

Mom-------The dead cant hurt you only the living can.


Dad-------Never say never.



A good friend (later in life)---------Trust no one.



And they were all were right!  I have experienced all three of these multiple times in my life.

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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?

No words just action on how they lived their lives.  Who would listen when oung??  Experience and observations teach more!!

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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?

My parents experienced the harshness of the great depression in the 30's as children and young people.  Because of this my father was always afraid of not having enough money. He told me many times when I was young that I could change jobs in my 20's but by the time that I was 30 I better have a job with a pension and I better keep it. I listened to him and I am forever grateful  that I did. 

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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?

My wise father always said " this too shall pass".

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Re: What Words Of Wisdom Or Sage Advice Did Your Parents / Grandparents Give You?

My mother grew up during the Depression and Italian was spoken at her home.  She would always say her  " words  of wisdom  " in that language and wait for us to have her translate them.


Her Best Remembered:  Who falls in love with hair and teeth, falls in love with nothing !




We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill