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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

Once I had a temp job for two weeks assembling boxes for tax booklets to be mailed out in. I discovered I have an aversion to the feel of cardboard, seriously to this day I can't stand it. Makes a mess out of your hands too. Besides that job I would have to say working retail was also a disaster for me.

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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

Lulu - Yeah, lots of interesting stuff in security!   Back when I worked at a retail store, but I did all the accounting, after I was finished I'd go over to the window and watch.  A good friend of mine was the security officer for the store so he would point out all the suspicious activity and we'd watch together.  


It was one of those deals where there is this HUGE two-way window upstairs that can pretty much overlook the whole store.  It spanned across the entire sales floor, well almost but enough that you could see from side wall to side wall (not that big a store).  They probably don't have those anymore as there are great cameras that can do even more.  


But I loved watching, and watching the busts.  This one lady worked at the IRS office across the street.  She, like many who do it as a compulsion, would have more money in her wallet than the cost of the stuff she was taking.  But she wasn't very good at it.   In a way I felt badly for her but then on the other side of my brain is my huge sense of justice.  So I hope she didn't end up losing her whole life over that bad habit and that she stopped doing it.

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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

@scotnovel wrote:

I worked for one day at a surgeon's office.  I quit at the end of the first day for a number of reasons.  First they asked me to organize the drug refrigerator and closet (not the problem) but when I pointed out that most of the medications & some of the suppplies were outdated, by a lot, they said not to worry about it. Secondly about 3:30 the surgeon's girlfriend showed up at the office.  She was 16 and I was told she usually dropped by to see him after school was out.   He was in his 30's married with kids.  One day in that place was quite enough for me.   

He was really an "operator," wasn't he!!!

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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

I worked in the billing department of a department store.  Back then, all charges were handwritten.  I had to take all the charge slips and hand write them on the accounts.  Also I had to send out monthly statements.  I licked all the stamps and envelopes because my boss thought those little sponges wet the glue too much and the stamps would fall off.

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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

My first job ... in high school ... typing labels for Spiegel's catalog sales.  The job wasn't bad, but this big warehouse room was always cold, including the floor, which was concrete.  The most dreary place I've ever worked.

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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

Working for Red Necks.

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

A dry air con......concrete.....steam.... noise.......just awful....but I did love the owners....

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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

I spent one long, hot, sticky summer while I was in college working at the Philadelphia  Chewing Gum Co.  It was unair conditioned and the air was thick with the mixture of cornstarch and powdered sugar that kept it from sticking.  My clothes would be stiff with it.  The work couldn't have been more repetitive or boring.  It was a nightmare.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

LOL working at a window plant. I had to put metal into a machine and cut. They were window and door jambs. They needed to be cut precise. That didn't happen. I am 5'1 and these things were 3-4 times that long. So...they moved me to dip metal into acid. 

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Re: What Was the Worst Job That You Ever Had?

Working for a bank. Boring, so boring.