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What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

I know this is a problem in many metro areas.  In Albuquerque, we've had homeless tent villages pop up in a number of inappropriate places under extremely unsanitary conditions. 


Now the city fathers have proposed building a community of "tiny houses" on a donated lot in town.  It seems to me like this would be a ready-built slum and would require a full-time warden to keep drugs and heavens-knows-what-else under control.


What are they doing where you live?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

Not much is being done where I live.  I often think that malls that have gone downhill or abandoned stores could be refitted and adapted as solution for homeless.  It would take a lot of planning and thought, but something positive could come from empty malls or stores. 

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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

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$$$ needed as well as social consciousness in order to address the devastating homeless population...

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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

probably not enough, but we do have shelters, soup kitchens, a number of very active charities, and outreach programs. it is a significant problem in baltimore, with around 3000 people on average a night who are homeless.



i have some friends that collect bags of coats and blankets in all sizes to directly distribute to those who are in the streets. they usually put out the word on facebook. as the weather will be getting colder soon, the situation will be worse.

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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

I honestly have never seen or heard of any homeless in my community or local town.   I've been living here for 26 years and it's never been an issue.


However Philly is about 45 minutes away from me and I know there is a big homeless population there. 


My son lives in Philly and came home to visit this weekend.  I will ask him in the morning since your question got me curious.

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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

We do a lot for people down & out and want a hand up.

There are several shelters, soup kitchens, Salvation Army.

Habitat for Humanity houses.    Every church in town has a ministry for the homeless, those just released from  prison, domestic violence victims, etc.


But many of the homeless drop out of society for a reason and can't or won't be helped.


I agree with you on the tiny house.

Who's going to maintain them?




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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

[ Edited ]

We have a large, clean shelter which provides food, a bed, shower facilities, etc., and is on public transportation for access to work.


In order to stay there, absolutely NO drugs or alcohol is permitted. Anyone under the influence will be sent to detox before being allowed to return. A chaplain and physician are on staff during normal business hours. (Don't know if they are "on call" or not.) AA, Al-Anon and NA meetings are held on the premises regularly. Rules and regulations must be followed or an individual is removed from the facility.


I don't know if there is a fee or what it costs per night or how long a person is able to stay (think I've heard two weeks, but it may be longer during the winter months). There are also spaces for families (away from homeless single individuals). They must follow the same rules and regulations. 


There seems to be an increase in homelessness over the past 30-40 years. Most with health and/or mental health issues. It's become a problem in our community. Some are able to work; others not so much. They end up sleeping/living under bridges near the shelter and crime in that area is rampant. Big problem in most communities and taxpayers end up footing the costs.


We do have an active Food Bank for meals and food supplies. Our Food Bank also provides for our school children in the low-income Back-Pack Program to take home meals to eat over the weekend, a very necessary program for educating the next generation. Most Churches are active in supporting soup kitchens and providing clothing. Donations are generous. We have the usual Charities, but it's never enough. Poverty hits any age.  

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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

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Apparently San Antonio has elaborate facilities with all kinds of services.  A team from Albuquerque  went there to study their plan.  They came back very impressed but said there's no way we could afford what they have.


We have all the usual things; several large shelters run by charities, Habitat for Humanity, active Salvation Army, large food bank operation.  There seems to be a certain element that doesnt want the regimentation of a shelter, don't want rules or regulations and want to do things "their" way.  They are quite a problem.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

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@Kachina624  At least your State doesn't have to worry about the bitter weather of the northern states. I don't know how the homeless survive in the winter months. We have a large population who remain here (and in Omaha) all year. They have to be hearty souls.


Although, I used to park in a private State parking garage. In winter months, I'd arrive at work about 7:20 and be the first to decend the steps of the garage. It smelled of urine and I'd know the homeless had come in from under the bridges downtown. What an awful way to begin the day! During the rest of the winter, I would walk the length of the parking garage out of fear of meeting one of them alone in the steps. Wasn't going to put myself in that position. 

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Re: What Is Your Community Doing About Homelessness?

We don't have homeless people where I live.