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@Kachina624   I think she was gorgeous for her day. Every era has their icons. I remember when carolyn Bissette Kennedy was considered gorgeous and many copied her understated look. Farrah Fawcett, Twiggy? 

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She is beautiful but seemed to wear too much heavy eye makeup most of the time.  Yes, she had gorgeous eyes but too much makeup detracted rather than enhanced her look in my opinion.

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Just the eyes.  They were perfection. But she had a an odd body.  Not my words but Richard Burton.  Very short legs with long thighs.Short arms. And a wide body.  As a child she looked a good deal  older.  How many people walk around with a double top lashes and a double bottom lashes?

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I don't believe in "the most beautiful" woman or man, but Elizabeth Taylor certainly was incredibly beautiful.

The money that she raised for AIDS made her even more beautiful. Internal beauty like that lasts forever, even after you're gone.
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Re: What Do You Think?

[ Edited ]

@Janey2 wrote:

@PhilaLady1  So how did her eyes appear violet? Contact lenses were not commercially sold until 1983. 

She was born with them.  There are people with very unusual colored eyes.   My mother in law had one blue eye and one green eye. The following are unusual.


 The boy with sapphire eyes - Africa Geographic

Black-eyed children - Wikipedia

Blue and Black eyes.  There are naturally red eyes too.  That's when the melon is gone from the eyes.  They look red.  The rarest eye color of common color is green.  People in Afghanistan have grey eyes. My eyes are a combo of green and grey.

closeup of a violet eye

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@kaydee50 wrote:

@shoptilyadropagain   Really?  Not even close?  Who would you consider beautiful?  Just curious.

@kaydee50   Yes....really!  Not that I think she is super ugly or anything but I've always thought she was lacking in the looks department.  Just off the top of my head, I think Vanessa Williams, Jennifer Lawrence, Rhianna, Audrey Hepburn and Halle Berry are far more beautiful.

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She was beautiful but NO ONE can be the MOS beautiful woman or man.  There are MANY versions of beautiful in my opinion.

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That is one of her most beautiful photos, absolute perfection.

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She was a beautiful woman but I always thought Vivian Leigh was much more attractive.
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She was beautiful, but definitely not the most beautiful in my opinion. She did have beautiful eyes and gorgeous skin! There are a lot of women who are just as beautiful though...